The Importance of Commercial Landscaping 

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The Importance of Commercial Landscaping 

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In business, like in life, you only ever get one shot at a good impression, so making it count by choosing the right commercial landscaping company is essential. Impressive, high quality landscaping for your commercial property, whether it’s a store or office, is about more than just once-in-a-blue-moon trimming and mowing. It’s about ensuring that your landscaping gives your business the sophisticated aesthetic it deserves.

What should you look for in commercial landscaping?

Finding the right landscaper for your commercial needs might seem like trying to find a needle in a badly landscaped haystack, but it doesn’t have to be. We’ve broken down exactly what to look for when evaluating and qualifying different options.

Commercial Landscaping Services

No two landscaping companies are the same. While you might not think that there’s a lot of variety when it comes to property and garden maintenance, trust us: there is! Decent landscapers offer a lot more than trim-and-rake treatments. Make sure they provide services such as weed control and fertilisation to ensure your property looks fantastic even when they’re not around. Additionally, if a commercial landscaper offers patio and walkway construction and sprinkler maintenance, you can rest assured they have both the variety and quantity of commercial landscaping services that you need.

Reputation for High Quality Commercial Landscaping

What sort of reputation are you looking for in a commercial landscaper? For one, you want someone who’s been in business for more than a year or two. Bad landscaping is easy to spot, so bad landscapers don’t last very long. If you’ve found someone who can count many years in the industry, chances are they have a good reputation. Hence, repeat business. Other ways of checking a landscaper’s reputation is by asking around for references and seeing which businesses other commercial properties use. Plus, you should always be checking Google and Facebook reviews as well.

Commercial Landscaping Qualifications

Yes, there are indeed qualifications when it comes to commercial landscaping. Horticulture, turf science, landscape design, exterior design… There are a whole range of possible qualifications and industry accreditations a high calibre of landscaper could boast. The best commercial landscapers even garner accreditations through community and local council involvement, so check to see if they’ve done any work around town. If they’re truly a landscaper of note, they’ll have left many an impressive mark.

Commercial Landscaping Capabilities

There are lots of factors that determine the capabilities of a commercial landscaper. Take note of what sort of team they boast: Do the staff look like they take pride in their work? Is there consistency in the landscaping team or does the company seem like they “burn and churn”? Additionally, you’ll want to see what sort of equipment they use. It’s easy for bad landscapers to do shoddy work using subpar tools. Make sure that whether they’re using a mower or applying fertilization, they’re tending to your commercial property with the right tech and specs.

Level of Customer Service in Commercial Landscaping

Reliability. Responsibility. Diligence. It may be hard determining whether your commercial landscaper offers all of these business traits just by staring at some of their portfolio work. That’s why it’s important you dig deep into their level of customer service. Make sure you understand how they work logistically and how customer service oriented they really are. After all, no matter how skilled a commercial landscaper they are, if they never rock up, leave early, or don’t clean up after themselves, you’re going to want to kick them to the curb.

Only Hire Quality Commercial Landscapers

Of course, we didn’t even mention the price of services in this article and not because it’s not important, but because finding a commercial landscaper for your budget is the easy part. No matter how much they charge, you need to ensure you only hire the very best for your commercial landscaping. If you want more tips, service information or just want to have a friendly chat about commercial landscaping, get in touch with the Vorstman Constructions team today.



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