4 Design Choices That Will Affect Your Home

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4 Design Choices That Will Affect Your Home

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“Look good, feel good.” Truer words were never spoken, and they apply to your living environment too. The design choices in your home can make you want company or to isolate yourself. They’ll affect whether you look forward to coming home, feel indifferent, or worse- dread it.
And what space is more important than the bedroom? It’s where you wake up and can affect the way you go about your entire day, so it’s important to invest in its design and really make the space your own.
Whether your bedroom is new, or you’ve outgrown its current style, let us show you how to tailor the space to your preferences. Here’s four design choices to keep in mind as you make your bedroom your own.

1. Think About the Flooring First

Before you start rearranging furniture, turn your eyes to the floor. Think about the appearance you want. Hardwood is a go-to because it’s easy to clean and stylish, but carpet has more give. You can even use tiles if you want something more durable and cooler temperatures.
Once you’ve committed to a certain material, then you can start bringing in new furniture to match the floors.
You can find plenty of beautiful pieces at websites like New Zealand-made bedroom furniture, but it’s best to keep within the theme of the floors.
For example, if you choose hardwood floors, honey oak wood desks and bed frames will create a cozy look that matches perfectly. If you want something dramatic, like marble, a black or white desk will be appropriate.

2. Furniture Placements and Dimensions

The last thing you want is your bed to take up your entire room. Never buy furniture without comparing its measurements with your room to see if they’re compatible.
Think about the way everything is facing. Consider making your desk face the window. This will give you natural light and a nicer view, which will help your creativity.
Avoid having your bed face your door. Seeing the exit will make you think about everything you have to do in the outside world. This eats away your energy both through stress and hinders your ability to sleep.

3. The Color You Paint Your Walls

Your bedroom color will impact how you feel when you wake up. It’s the first color you’ll see every day, and you’ll want it to evoke positive feelings within you.
Warmer colors inspire passion and creativity, making it easier to get out of bed. Cooler colors bring tranquility, so you can get to sleep faster. Think about which is harder for you. Keep in mind that every color has warm and cool shades (except orange, which is always warm).
They can even have a physical impact. Red speeds the heart rate up for a minute, whereas blue slows it down. This is how much power design has on us.
While not as common today, you can also choose wallpaper. If you don’t want to fully commit to wallpaper but still want a design, you can stick a decal on it.

4. The Little Finishing Touches 

A flower pot. A candle. A crystal. These don’t seem like much, but these little decorations add up to a statement about you.
You don’t have to spend a lot of money to dress up your room. You’re probably going to want a change from time to time. Get something affordable enough that you’ll be okay with changing it out after a while.
Think back to your wall color and make your decorations make sense. For example, if your walls are red and your floors are cherry wood, introduce another color. Otherwise, you’ll be overwhelmed by one color. Consider getting yellow or white bedsheets.

Your House is Your Oasis

There are so many things to consider when designing or renovating your bedroom. Each piece influences the other, and it’s easy to get caught up in examining how everything works together.
If you’re starting from scratch, we recommend focusing on one element at a time, so you don’t get overwhelmed. Start with the floors, then the furniture, wall colors, and small details.


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