Why every small business needs a comprehensive network security plan

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Why every small business needs a comprehensive network security plan

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When we think about network security plans and high-tech cybersecurity solutions, the first thing to come to mind is large enterprises with unlimited budgets. However, every web-based business, regardless of ze is, is exposed to cyber-attacks; criminals do not discriminate against companies by size.

Even if you do not have a big budget for a network security plan, some good solutions don’t break the bank. With the immense benefits we will talk about in this article, it is pretty much a no-brainer that every small business needs a comprehensive network security plan.

What is network security?

We’ll start this by explaining the term “network security”. In short, network security is the practice of keeping business resources and sensitive information CIA (confidential, integral, and available), and business network operational at all times.

Having a network security plan consists of several different things; having the hardware needed to enforce your security plan, software security tools, training, and the company’s security policies. A functional network security plan should be strong on all these aspects and need to be regularly checked.

A failure in your network security plan might mean downtimes, stolen data, or legal issues caused by data leakage. All these are bad news for a small company that already doesn’t have a great budget, so network security plans are crucial.

Why do small businesses need a network security plan?

This question comes up a lot, maybe more amongst small business owners who don’t want to enforce their employees a new work routine or don’t think they have the budget. While this is understandable, network security is no longer a plus, but a need. This is also true for small businesses, and here is why.

Preventing internal security threats

In cybersecurity, the threat may come from the most unexpected source; your employees. This is not to say they are directly a threat to your business, but since they do have access to sensitive information, they are usually targeted first.

Having a network security plan and clear access permission policies within the network prevents these threats. Employees can always be a victim of phishing attacks, stolen devices, or compromised passwords. If you do not have a comprehensive security plan, chances are high that hackers will use the employee’s access permissions to attack your network.

Protecting your network against cyber attacks

Attacks that target small business networks can be detrimental and cause unprecedented profit losses. Depending on the attacker, these attacks vary in type, size, and purpose, but one thing is in common; they will hurt your business. Malware attacks, ransomware, and DDoS; all will cause downtime on your servers and will compromise your network.

Having a robust network security plan with the right security software will protect you from security threats around your business via malicious attacks. Using things like VPNs, anti-virus software, firewalls, or password managers is now easier than ever and proved to be effective.

Having a recovery plan

You are putting your network in danger in two ways if you don’t have a comprehensive network security plan; you are most prone to cyberattacks, and you most probably do not have a plan in case of a successful breach. In a proper plan, you would need to think about what to do or how to fight against a potential breach. This would make your network instantly more ready for attacks.

It is important to remember that having a post-attack plan is equally crucial to have the right means to prevent cyber attacks. A network security plan might help you suffer from lesser damage when an attack actually happens.

How to create a network security plan

Creating a network security plan is also a pre-defined process where you need to make sure of every step before taking it. If you are not sure whether you can handle it, see these simple steps which will facilitate your network security journey.

Define your network security needs

Your network security plan will be shaped by the security threats around your business. A great way to understand exactly what tools, software, or hardware you need is to define the potential threats targeting your company.

For example, if you are a fully remote team, you would want to make sure to protect your network against device theft or insecure connections like public Wi-Fi. Since there is not a one-for-all solution to network security, you can check out NordLayer’s article on network security types to understand what you need.

Set up cybersecurity policies

Although security technologies and hardware are crucial to network security, you cannot over-emphasize the importance of your company’s policies. The tools will help you enforce these policies on your end-users, so you first need to figure them out.

Things like defining access permissions, software update regulations, or authentication procedures will help your team understand what the boundaries are, and what they can do to protect your network. Set up your cybersecurity policies and write down everything in detail to guide your end-users.

Choose your cybersecurity vendors

One of the best things about modern network security is that most of the things can be provided by a third-party vendor. These solutions do not require any hardware, and for small businesses, it is also a great thing that vendors handle the maintenance and provide customer service.

But, you need to be selective when it comes to your vendors because there are so many of them. Make sure to do your due diligence for things like pricing, availability of customer service, and the expertise of their team. Having a capable and supportive vendor will make things 100 times easier for you as a small business.




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