What does the term “Hijama” mean?

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What does the term “Hijama” mean?

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Hijama is an Arabic word that means suction, a phrase used to feast many diseases. It is one of the outdated time cures that people can use in numerous types of conditions. Hijama is a blessing from Allah Almighty and is considered sunnah in the Muslim religion. There are multiple benefits of hijama therapy. Hijama is also known as wet cupping. In wet cupping, the therapist sets special cups on your skin to remove toxins from your blood. 

Hijama is one old-time treatment, and it is getting more advanced daily. In old times people used bamboo cups to practice hijama. Even in Chinese people, it is still a common practice. With time, cups are getting. Most therapists use glass cups for therapy; it has become a common practice with time and is becoming popular with time. It is one of the safest cures with lots of advantages. It cures multiple harmful conditions, and many doctors recommend taking cupping therapy once a year. 

Hijama therapy: Is it secure? 

Many individuals ask this question whether hijama therapy is safe. Many people think it is unsafe, but according to doctors, cupping is safe. Cupping therapy is a bit painful therapy, but it is secure. There are very few risks of therapy, such as sometimes marks left on your skin, but nowadays, several creams and lotions are available to remove marks. Sometimes it affects your skin, but it depends on your skin type. Before therapy, doctors or therapists check your skin and tell you whether it suits it. 

If your immune system is not robust or your body is not, it affects you a bit. For instance, if your body is not strong, you can feel nausea, headaches, skin infection, itching, dazy, fatigue, soreness, etc. Most of the time, doctors and therapists tell you whether you can take therapy or not before therapy. According to scientists, cupping is secure and it is valuable. 

Is hijama therapy popular? 

Hijama was not popular in American and European countries, but cupping therapy is also getting popular over time. It was popular in Asian and Muslim countries. In Muslim countries, the hijama is a sunnah. Most Muslims take therapy as a sunnah and take hijama therapy once a year. In China, hijama or wet cupping is also popular, and Chinese people use hijama to cure numerous diseases, which is still a common practice there. It is also an old practice in eastern people; they follow this practice to cure numerous diseases. 

Some European countries, such as Italy. Italian people also used to take cupping therapy for arthritis and gout issues. It is a very common practice there. In every country, individuals take cupping for a different purposes. For instance, high blood pressure, lower back pain, back pain, increase blood circulation, treating migraine, muscle relaxation, etc. 

It is also becoming popular with many athletes, models, and sportsmen. They used to take cupping therapy to recover their tissue and recover their muscles. It helps to increase the blood flow in the body and aid in increasing strength in your muscle. Athletes prefer to take cupping therapy one to two times a year because they work out so hard, and their tissues and muscles need recovery. After therapy, they feel active, strengthen their muscles, and they perform well in the field. 

Nowadays, model also prefers to take therapy to improve their skin because cupping help to improve skin color, and your color gets fair and clean. After therapy, skin starts glowing; that’s why most models use cupping therapy. It also assists them in staying fit and healthy. 

Who Is Capable of Performing Cupping Therapy?

Cupping is not so difficult to perform, but it needs some practice to perform. Anyone can perform cupping because you don’t need any degree to perform, but you need the practice to perform. Most of the time, therapists and doctors perform it because they have experience and a certificate to do it. 

In some major countries, you need a proper certificate or license to perform hijama. In the past time, you didn’t need any certificate or license to open a hijama center, but nowadays, you need a license and proper certificate from any coaching center then you are able to perform cupping therapy. 

There are a lot of coaching centers that they are giving you proper training, and after completing your training, they will give you the proper certificate. Courses are available both physically and online. If you want to join online classes, there are many platforms that they are providing very good quality courses. 


Hijama is also known as wet cupping therapy. Hijama is one of the old-age cures. There are lots of benefits of cupping therapy. It is one of the easy ways to cure numerous harmful conditions. It is secure, and people can easily take this hijama therapy. 

Many people take hijama or wet therapy in different conditions. For instance, increases blood circulation and reduces pain in the body, lower back pain, back pain, etc. It is getting popular nowadays because people are broadening their horizons about therapy, and they want to take it once a year because of its honors. 


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