Walmart’s Midwestern remodeling includes restoration, new amenities

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Walmart’s Midwestern remodeling includes restoration, new amenities

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Immel Construction has been partnering with Walmart since 1988 when Immel constructed their first Walmart store. Now, through 2019, the company has completed over 280 projects in 11 states for Walmart. Immel Construction is currently remodeling Walmart stores in Shawano and Greenfield, Wisconsin, as well as Aberdeen, South Dakota.
The stores will undergo similar remodeling and renovations, but each has their own unique updates. At each store, exterior areas will be refurbished as well as replacing signage and adding new “Pick-Up” signs. Interior repairs and renovations will give the stores a new feel with door replacements, new flooring, freshly painted walls, and updated entrances. A number of areas within the stores will be refurbished including the pharmacies, garden centers, vision centers, restrooms, and various offices. Each store will also include a new Photo Lab install.
The remodel of the Walmart store in Shawano, WI, began in July and will be completed in October of 2019. Unique to the Shawano store, the remodel will feature a new Mother’s Room along with an online grocery pickup area where a new canopy, parking stalls and signs will be installed. Additionally, the existing Auto Center will be refurbished and pick-up check-in installed.
The Greenfield, WI, Walmart remodel began in July and will be completed in October of 2019 as well. Similar to the Shawano store, the Greenfield remodel will include installing a pick-up check-in along with replacing roof top units.
The Aberdeen, SD, Walmart store began its remodel in May and was completed in July of 2019. The Aberdeen roof will also see new changes as we install a new condensing unit, and customers will see a new Money Center added to the store. Similar to the Shawano remodel, the Aberdeen remodel will include refurbishing the existing Auto Center.
Immel Construction is a construction services company providing general construction, project management, estimating, and skilled craftsmen to meet the needs of the commercial, healthcare, industrial, and institutional markets.


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