Top 5 Benefits of BIM in Construction

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Top 5 Benefits of BIM in Construction

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While it can be argued that Building Information Modelling (BIM) is an extension or evolution of Computer-Aided Design (CAD), these arguments often fail to see the real benefits of BIM technology. Investors have seen the benefit such technology can offer the entire building industry as a whole, the market for such technology is estimated to be worth $8.8 billion by 2025.
Importantly it is not just investors unlocking the technology’s potential but the boots on the ground. Contractors are seeing BIM as a valuable and indispensable asset. What follows is a list of the top 5 benefits seen by contractors across the globe utilizing the technology.

Collaboration and Communication

Construction projects are rarely, if ever, a one-man operation, engineers, architects, stakeholders, and contractors all make up the project’s ecosystem. This fact means that collaboration and communication are vital for the successful completion of a project.
In this regard, BIM is the tool that levels up everyone’s capability to collaborate and communicate seamlessly, and importantly, across the varied skill sets modern construction demands. Further integration with cloud solutions and mobile apps means contractors can access models with ease.

Better Cost Estimation

Like many other industries, the building sector is often plagued by cost overruns and broken budgets. This led to the development of 5D BIM, with the 5th dimension being cost. Modern BIM applications include model-based cost estimations and help automate costing, typically a time-consuming task on its own.

Clash Prevention

When dealing with several trades and contractors clashes are almost seen as inevitable. Whether conduits successfully bypass steel beams or enough clearance has been provisioned for doors these clashes cause reworks and potential cost overruns resulting in deadlines being missed. BIM packages include automated clash detection modules that help prevent this by alerting all necessary parties to the potential issue before it becomes a headache.

Improved Sequencing

One of the great advantages of BIM technology is how it can reduce costs. One area such a reduction in costs has been seen is in more efficient sequencing of projects and better scheduling. This improved efficiency is a result of BIM products being able to produce documentation along with design and the ability to change the documentation when new site conditions arise that may result in a delay.

Safer Sites

Providing tradesmen and contractors with a safe work environment has long been an industry-standard in many countries. While many countries already have laws in place and many companies have invested heavily in providing safer working environments, construction projects can and will still be places where power tools and heavy vehicles will operate. This means that accidents can still happen, but BMI can provide visual risk analysis which can further greatly reduce the chance of said accident.


This is by no means an exhaustive list of the advantages BMI technology provides for the building industry. In the future, it is expected that BMI offerings will allow for better seamless communication between different apps. Further AI and machine learning technology will better enable the automation of time-consuming tasks further improving efficiency.


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