The Best Online Bingo Strategies

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The Best Online Bingo Strategies

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Bingo is a game that anyone can be good at. Whether you are young or old, bingo is not going to be much of a challenge for you. Knowing how to play the game is one thing, but getting a return on your stakes is another thing. Want to know how you can win and bring home that jackpot prize? There’s really no big secret to winning the game, but there are some strategies you can take to improve your odds. We give you the low down in this article so keep reading to find out more. And, after you’re done reading these tips, check out these great deals to maximize your bingo winnings.

Bingo tips and tricks

For a start, get on your favorite online bingo site. Before you enter the room, be sure to read up and find out how many people are playing in the room, the price of the game as well as the size of the jackpot for that game. There are different variations of bingo that you can choose from. For example, in the UK there is 90-ball bingo, while in the US there is 75-ball bingo. This article will focus on 90-ball bingo.

Make your own rules

Before you start out a game of bingo, have a little reflection on why you might be playing bingo. Whether it’s just as a hobby, or to bring home some cash it would be helpful to have some understanding of why you are playing just to adjust your own expectations. The best way to win at bingo is to use your money wisely.

Set yourself a budget

Bingo is not expensive to play at all. Compared to other casino games, bingo is an entry-level game that is also suitable for kids. Before splashing all your cash around, work out how much you are willing to spend. Even if you were so close to winning the last game, this new game could be a completely different game, so don’t overspend. Spending within your means is the most important thing when you are playing bingo. Try to make savings whenever you can whether through newcomer benefits or loyalty benefits.

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Find your niche

Different sites will appeal to different players, and depending on what kind of player you are you should choose a site that fits your playing style. There are sites for the occasional player but also those that are hardcore players. These sites can allow you to meet like-minded players and increase your odds, depending on the type of player you are.

Get some experience

The more practice you get, the better you can become at online bingo. There are many free online bingo sites that you can make use of to first get better, before diving into a paid site with the pros. Each site also has a chat room which allows you to make friends with like minded players. When you’ve built a better rapport with your fellow friends, you can even share and compare notes to increase your chances.

Buying tickets

Depending on your budget, you can choose to buy as many tickets as you want. Buying a larger quantity of tickets each game will allow you to maximize your chances while buying just one will only give you one chance per game. In the world of online bingo, you can also be in different halls simultaneously. Your best bet however is to make sure that the jackpot is not shared on the same network. Bottom line is, the more you play the higher chances there are for you to win.

Increasing your chances

Each online bingo game has different odds. It is unlikely that you’ll be able to properly calculate these, but there are ways that can help you win. If your main goal is to win, play at off-peak timings. If you’re looking to win the jackpot, choose sites that have the biggest jackpot, but bear in mind that these sites will also have the most players, so it’s almost more unlikely that you’ll win.

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Buy Tickets in Advance

If you have a busy schedule but have games you would really like to take part in, a way you can do this is to pre-buy tickets in advance. This allows you to still be a part of the games without actually being there. Almost all online bingo sites will have this feature and it will be obvious on the home page of the sites. That way you won’t miss out on the prizes that await you! As long as you have sufficient funds in your account, you can purchase these tickets with no problem. Also, events are always announced in advance so you can plan around your schedule. You just have to log in periodically to check these timings and you are good to go! This way, your winning odds are also boosted as it ensures you have a place in the game without having to rush just before a room opens. Having a ticket tucked away will prevent any unforeseen plans from messing with your bingo plans. Jackpot games are often very popular and so ensuring you have a ticket would allow you to maximize your wins!

Session Bingo

You can get a good-priced bingo game in an hour-long online bingo session. It is called Session Bingo, and it allows you to make the most of the funds you have set aside for your bingo adventures. While different sites could offer different ways of doing this, most rooms will offer a five-game hourly or half-hour session several times a day in multiple blocks. Don’t be late though, because you will be locked out. As such you really have to plan ahead in order to snag the good deals. In order to do so, pre-purchase tickets, as they won’t be available once games have begun.


Bingo is a straightforward and easy game. While winning the big jackpot may be challenging with so many competitors competing for the same prize, it is not impossible. You just have to play to your strategies and grab that win when you can! Don’t give up and you will have a whale of a time.

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