NAC 6th Annual Classic Vehicle Calendar

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NAC 6th Annual Classic Vehicle Calendar

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The company that introduced the flooring industry to ECB® and crack isolation membrane technology, NAC Products, released their 2018 calendar, “Classic Vehicles from the Flooring Industry” at the Total Solutions Plus event in Washington DC.
The calendar offers a platform for people in the flooring industry to showcase their classic vehicle and share it with the rest of the industry. The initial calendar was created to help promote NAC’s 30th anniversary in 2013, but has now evolved into an industry tradition. Whether it is a car, truck, farm tractor, motorcycle, airplane, or boat, people from all over the world have participated, highlighting a wide variety of classic vehicles.
“This project has grown each year as more and more people are seeing the calendar and realize they have a vehicle of their own or know someone in the industry who does,” said Vice-President Operations Brian Petit. “It’s a really cool way to shine a light on a hobby that is shared by a lot of people in the industry, while also bringing greater awareness of the NAC brand .”
The overall design of the calendar has changed each year, however, one of the design highlights of the calendar includes the use of actual state license plate images representing the year of the car or a plate that was popular at the time or resembles how the car is currently tagged. A few anecdotes about the car and the restoration populate the plate image.
The calendar also includes the dates of many industry related tradeshows, like the International Surface Event, NAHB/KBIS and Coverings just to name a few.
Past calendars and the featured vehicles can be found on the NAC website;
Crack isolation, sound control, waterproofing and more; membrane systems that protect your flooring investment, that’s NAC Products.
For more information about NAC, visit or call 800-633-4622.


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