Synchronizing Your Brand’s Digital/Real-World MKT

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Synchronizing Your Brand’s Digital/Real-World MKT

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Marketing has long been the secret to success for most small and large businesses. Traditional marketing, which has been done through such channels as television, radio newspapers, magazines, and brochures, has been used for decades to reach more customers. 
Over the past 10 to 20 years, these traditional methods have been joined by digital marketing techniques. As increasing numbers of people spend time online and on social medial channels, digital advertising gives companies even more places to meet potential customers right where they are.
It’s important to remember that traditional and digital marketing techniques can both yield different results. Therefore, a wise choice is to split marketing dollars to cover both aspects and to reach your entire potential customer base. Here are a few ways to combine traditional and digital methods into one simple marketing campaign.
Take Advantage of Trade Shows
Trade shows seem like a great place to use traditional marketing techniques by handing out physical brochures and products. However, you could have a QR code printed on the side of a 10×10 size canopy to combine both marketing channels effortlessly. As customers see your physical advertisements, they will also be triggered to use their smartphones to plug into your company further.
Advertise Digital Channels Everywhere
In this age, it is vital to have social media accounts and online profiles even if you only have a very small business. Be sure to advertise your digital channels, including your Website, Facebook profile and Instagram handle, on all of your printed materials.
Use Billboards for Geotargeting
Many consumers regularly drive down freeways that are littered with billboards. These large signs may require quite an initial investment on your part, but they can create plenty of positive change. Geotargeting is a type of digital marketing that targets customers via their smartphones based on where they are and what they are doing. With this type of advertising, potential customers will receive a popup advertisement on their smartphones immediately after passing your billboard.
Start an Online Giveaway
Nearly all consumers love free products, and you can target your digital customers with non-digital products that promote your business. For example, you could run a giveaway on Instagram, encouraging users to interact with your site or to comment on or share your post. The winner will receive promotional merchandise or one of your products or services that is designed to increase your brand’s visibility. This can significantly increase online engagement and improve in-person brand impressions.
Promote Customer Feedback with Hashtags
If you want to get the word out about your products or services online, you can encourage customers to post pictures of themselves using your products or enjoying your services and to tag these pictures with a hashtag related to your company. Advertise the hashtag in your store, in direct mailers and even on social media to watch your target audience grow.
It requires great creativity to combine traditional and digital marketing techniques into one cohesive whole. While both marketing types can certainly be used effectively on their own, you will find that you can reach the highest number of people when you use all marketing techniques to complement each other. As the way that people shop continues to change, you can mold your new campaigns to better match your business’s goals.


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