Sloan® Flushometer Maint. Schedule Brochure

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Sloan® Flushometer Maint. Schedule Brochure

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Sloan, the world’s leading manufacturer of commercial plumbing systems, has published a new Flushometer Maintenance Schedule Brochure, designed to provide a guideline for the life expectancy of manual diaphragm and piston flushometer parts, in addition to the importance of preventative maintenance.
“It’s important to get out in front of maintenance issues before they become a problem,” said Sloan product manager of flushometers, Mike Gipson. “Our comprehensive brochure implements our 111 years of industry experience to highlight the value of being proactive when it comes to maintenance and repairs. With proper care, Sloan flushometers can provide quality service for decades.”
Sloan’s brochure features a detailed maintenance schedule containing an image of the various manual diaphragm and piston flushometer parts, a list of maintenance indicators for easy tracking, as well as both industry and Sloan standards for each part. Frequent maintenance indicators include leaking, a flush cycle that is either too long or too short, missing or distorted threads on brass parts and more.
Flushometers must pass strict industry tests of 250,000 flushes. But in busy commercial restrooms at 4,000 flushes per month, that only translates to five years of service. Sloan’s brochure includes the many factors that impact a flushometer’s life cycle, including:

  • Water Quality: High levels of chlorine, dirt or debris can gradually wear down a product
  • High Traffic: Higher levels contribute to a shorter life cycle
  • Vandalism and Abuse: Destructive abuse—kicking the handle—will lead to negative impacts on a flushometer’s life cycle
  • Proper Installation: Improper installation can affect product performance from the onset
  • Proper Parts Replacement: The use of non-genuine manufacturer parts can end up harming performance and product life

For more information on Sloan’s Flushometer Maintenance Schedule and its water-saving flushometer products, visit and follow Sloan on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn for additional updates.
About Sloan
Sloan is the world’s leading manufacturer of commercial plumbing systems and has been in operation since 1906. Headquartered in Franklin Park, Illinois, USA, the company is at the forefront of the green building movement and provides smart sustainable restroom solutions by manufacturing water-efficient products such as flushometers, electronic faucets, sink systems, soap dispensing systems and vitreous china fixtures for commercial, industrial and institutional markets worldwide. Follow Sloan on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and on YouTube.


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