Samco Machinery introduces Smartphone app

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Samco Machinery introduces Smartphone app

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Customers are searching for information in new ways and Samco Machinery is doing what it can to put that information right at their fingertips.
Samco Machinery has developed a free Smartphone application that will allow access to company information, pictures, videos as well as detailed technical information. Once the Samco App is downloaded, it can be accessed at any time, without the need for online access.
“We believe strongly in analytics,” says Steve Kagan, marketing specialist at Samco Machinery. “We have found that a significant percentage of our website traffic is coming from mobile devices. That number has grown and will likely continue to grow. Offering an app to this audience takes advantage of that growing opportunity.”
Kagan says the Samco Machinery App, currently available for free in the Apple Store, contains five sections to provide any data the potential customer may need.

  • About Samco Machinery: contains company information, a product gallery and the corporate video.
  • Markets: contains spec sheets and machine videos relating to the various industries served by Samco.
  • RFQ: allows customers to submit a request for information.
  • Support: features a link to the company website as well as the names, titles and email addresses of support staff.
  • News: hosts the latest company news, media coverage, as well as providing up to date trade show information.

“Like any other app, it will offer updates on a regular basis, allowing the customers to keep up with everything that’s going on at Samco Machinery,” Kagan says. “It’s the relevant information people need in a format they have embraced.”
The view a video on the Samco Machinery App, CLICK HERE.
To download the Samco Machinery App, follow this link:
Or scan the QR code below for a direct Apple App Store link:
An Android version will follow in the near future.
Samco Machinery provides customers leading edge designs and cost-effective solutions to satisfy any metal rollforming project need. Maintaining ISO 9001 certification, Samco manufactures roll forming machines, decoilers, roll form dies and presses servicing a multitude of customers worldwide in varied industries. Visit or contact for more information.


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