Community Members, since we received communication last week, developments concerning the Corona Virus (COVID‑19 pandemic) have greatly accelerated. Federal, state and local government and health officials are implementing unprecedented steps to limit the risk of Corona Virus community spread. We applaud the work that is taking place, and our industry stands ready to support our country as we confront this crisis. These public health and safety actions, while appropriate and mandated, have required many retailers, restaurants, gyms and other service providers to close. This puts an unbelievable strain on our industry, and we believe federal government action is urgent and needed. All of us need to talk with the industry leaders and make sure we are well represented. Let’s make sure we are getting to President Donald Trump, members of the Administration, the Senate and House, and local officials. We need to communicate the need for immediate federal and state support of our industry and also make clear that further support will be needed. This is needed to help us retain hardworking employees and limit lay offs in this uncertain time. Our resources will runout quickly and effect our ability to rebound after this crisis! This is urgent! A lack of federal action will jeopardize the industry and cause long-term damage to financial markets, rampant unemployment and irreparable harm to our construction community. I am concerned that our Illinois company of 50 plus hard working Americans will be devastated without this help! CDO Group, along with many of you, are trying to speak with local officials, the federal Administration and Congress to get the word out! You have my commitment that we will advocate for our hard working Americans and our industry in this uncertain and new time of national crisis. Anthony Amunategui President CDO Group 333 Harrison Street Oak Park, IL 60304 Office:(708) 383-0586 Cell:(312) 560-1086 |