Protect Artificial Turf with Shawgrass Cleaning Solutions

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Protect Artificial Turf with Shawgrass Cleaning Solutions

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Safety is of utmost importance! As the cleanliness of all the spaces we use receives an increased focus, Shawgrass has announced a new cleaning protocol to help homes, businesses and pet and gym facilities feel protected as they face the continued concerns from the COVID-19 pandemic. Artificial turf installers maintain this protocol helps keep synthetic turf spaces clean and ready to enjoy!

To address concerns like the COVID-19 virus, the CDC has issued recommendations for cleaning facilities that can be found at

Shawgrass’s cleaning protocols follow these guidelines and use cleaning solutions that meet the EPA’s criteria for use against COVID-19 when used as instructed.

This cleaning regimen can be used daily; the product has been vetted for use on artificial turf and will not damage the turf when used as directed.

“We are happy that we are able to offer a cleaning solution to meet today’s market needs,” said Special Project Director for Shaw Turf, Chris Small.

“This protocol can give users peace of mind in the fight against COVID-19.”

Additionally, this cleaning protocol is useful for pet turf deodorization. It cleans away odor causing elements in the artificial turf and does not use harsh chemicals making it a great solution for use around families and pets! Here is the artificial turf dealer in San Marcos, CA.

For more information, contact a local Shawgrass dealer by visiting or Shawgrass directly by completing the for at You can also reach out to us by phone at 1-866-789-7429.

A wholly-owned subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway Inc., Shaw Industries is a full flooring provider to the residential and commercial markets. Shaw supplies carpet, hardwood, laminate, resilient, and tile/ stone flooring products, as well as synthetic turf. The name Shaw is becoming the definitive brand in the synthetic turf market and Shawgrass is leading the way with a mix of products for residential/commercial landscape applications, pets, recreation and golf.

Shawgrass products are designed and developed by the same research and development team that is responsible for the world-class athletic fields created by Shaw Sports Turf. Shawgrass products are designed to provide the look of natural grass and the performance characteristics that deliver extreme durability. Shawgrass products are also cooler, thanks to innovative technology like HydroChill, designed to keep you comfortable, even in extreme heat.


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