Nichiha New Size to VintageWood Series

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Nichiha New Size to VintageWood Series

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Nichiha USA, Inc., a leading manufacturer of fiber cement Architectural Wall Panels and cladding products, announces the addition of a new 17-7/8” x 71-9/16” panel size to its popular VintageWood™ siding series for both commercial and residential construction projects.
VintageWood, Nichiha’s most popular product line, offers the rich and warm look of wood without the complications of natural wood cladding. The new shorter size VintageWood 1818 panels allow architects and designers to stagger panels horizontally to create organic architectural looks. VintageWood complements glass, metal, block panels and other ‘cool’ surface materials by adding a touch of warmth. Additionally, the 71-9/16” length panels eliminate the need for sealants and flange backer every 10 feet which speeds installation time and reduces on the wall cost for the customer.
In comparison to natural wood siding, VintageWood offers the same texture, ease of installation and cost. Where the product line soars above natural wood is in its durability. VintageWood is resistant to warping, rotting and pests.
Plus, the built-in rainscreen allows moisture to easily escape from the wall panels, significantly reducing the risk of water damage.
“Nichiha is continuously evaluating and adjusting our product offering to meet customer requests and design needs. We are pleased to be able to provide architects enhanced options with the introduction of this new size in our VintageWood series, a product update that has been repeatedly requested,” says James Wueste, vice president of sales and marketing. “VintageWood offers the look of wood with the unmatched durability of fiber cement. We look forward to seeing how our customers put the new sizes to use in both commercial construction and modern home designs.”
VintageWood panels are available in Bark, Cedar, Redwood and Ash colors. The current size 119-5/16”, length panels will continue to be available. Nichiha provides a limited lifetime warranty on its products.
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About Nichiha USA
For more than 20 years, Nichiha USA, a subsidiary of the Nichiha Corporation, has pushed the boundaries of product design and performance. Since its founding in 1956 in Japan, Nichiha has fostered a culture of innovation and now boasts over 2,800 employees and 13 plants worldwide. Known for its advanced fiber cement cladding introduced in 1974, the company continues to manufacture precision-engineered products outfitted with built-in rainscreen technology and rigorously tested for durability. With one system that supports 50-plus finishes, Nichiha has a solution to fit your commercial or residential design needs.
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