Most Common Eye Injuries at Construction Sites

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Most Common Eye Injuries at Construction Sites

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The construction industry is one of the most dangerous professions in the world. Not only are they at risk of being involved in fatal accidents, but they are also exposed to a number of hazards as well.

Currently, construction workers are suffering the most common eye injuries caused by flying particles. As a matter of fact, exposure to harmful dust can increase their chances of contracting an illness or getting injured at work.

The most common eye injuries at construction sites include:

Eye Injuries From Tools

Workers may be injured by chainsaws, drills, grinders and other power tools. These injuries can range from minor cuts to severe burns or loss of eyesight. Employers should ensure that workers use these tools only when wearing appropriate safety gear such as goggles or face shields.

Flying Particles

The most common construction site injury to the eyes is flying particles. This can include dust from drywall or concrete, sparks from welding and other sources, and even tiny pieces of metal or wood. If you’re working in an area with these kinds of particles flying around, it’s important to wear prescription safety glasses at all times. Even if you’re just walking around the site, make sure to wear safety glasses so that nothing gets into your eyes.

Falling Objects and Object Impacts

Falls from heights account for a large number of construction worker deaths each year. They also contribute to many nonfatal injuries, especially eye injuries. Construction workers may be struck by falling objects or injured by objects falling from above them. Even if they’re not hit directly, they could still be injured if they happen to be standing near an object that falls from a great height.

Chemical Burns

Chemical burns are one of the most common types of injury in construction. The most common chemicals that cause chemical burns are acids and alkalis. Acids react with water to form hydrogen ions, which attack the skin and cause pain, swelling and redness. Alkalis react with water to form hydroxide ions, which also attack the skin but are less corrosive than acids.

Sparks and Flames

One of the most common eye injuries in construction is from sparks and flames. Sparks can fly off of power tools or welding equipment and land in your eyes. Sparks also come from grinding, cutting, or chipping materials like wood, plastic, or metal. Sparks may also be thrown into your eyes if you are using a torch to burn through metal.

Dust and Other Irritants

If you’re on a construction site, you need to be aware of the most common eye injuries. Most of these injuries involve dust and other irritants.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has provided some helpful information regarding construction safety in general, as well as specific information regarding eye protection.

Electrical Hazards

Electricity is dangerous for the eyes because it can cause severe burns and loss of vision. Construction workers should be sure to use insulated tools when working with electricity, and they should always turn off any power source before touching it.

Heat or Extreme Cold Exposures

Heat and cold exposure can be dangerous for your eyes, especially if you are working in an environment without proper ventilation. The lack of airflow allows the temperature to rise quickly and puts you at risk for severe dehydration.

Ultraviolet Radiation or Sunlight Exposure

The ultraviolet radiation (UVA and UVB) in sunlight can damage the eyes. It enters the eye through the cornea and lens, causing changes to the retina that can lead to macular degeneration, cataracts and pterygiums. If you are working outside during the day or if you are wearing contact lenses, your risk of eye damage from sunlight exposure increases.


This article will help you get a basic understanding of the issues pertaining to eye injuries in industrial settings. It may also help you better appreciate wearing the proper safety glasses, especially if you are going to dock out on a construction site.


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