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MBE Code & Zoning LLC is proud to announce the company’s formation. MBE provides building code, zoning analysis, and expediting services to architects, engineers, construction professionals, developers, and building managers in the New York City metropolitan area. A highly experienced, professional team, with more than 120 years of combined experience.

In operation since late 2019, MBE has been working with first-class property managers such as Sage Realty, as well as on numerous high-profile projects including the Museum of Natural History, 13 Laight Street, the former Tribeca Film Festival Building, 53 Huron Street, Marriott Renaissance & Apartment Tower, 9 Dekalb Avenue the Dime Savings Bank, and The Virgin Hotel.

Their early clients have included two of New York City’s most accomplished developers and owners, JDS Development Group and Vanbarton Group. The renowned JDS Development Group, a real estate development, construction, and acquisition firm, has worked with MBE on the iconic Brooklyn Dime Savings Bank new development at 9 DeKalb. The Vanbarton Group, spanning the multi-family, office, retail, and hospitality sectors, has worked with MBE on projects such as the former Tribeca film festival building on Laight Street.

“We are thrilled to officially announce our new company,” said Emilio Barletta, Founder, and Principal of MBE Code & Zoning LLC. “We have collectively been in this industry for decades and look forward to continuing to work with architects, developers, and other real estate professionals shaping the New York City skyline.”

The founder and principals of the company recently named Mabel Cataldo, Jannys Ramos, Millie Dominguez, Liliana Ovalles, and Nicole Sarnicola partners of the firm, as of January 1st, 2020.

Founding team members include:

Emilio Barletta is the Founder, Principal of MBE Code & Zoning LLC with more than thirty years of experience in real estate, development, and hospitality construction in the Tri-State area. As a registered architect in Italy, he is also proficient in construction management and development.

Mario Auriuso, a CO-CEO, Principal of MBE Code & Zoning, oversees all Life Safety issues in coordination with City agencies and administers code analysis to identify deficiencies in compliance of properties with applicable building, zoning, fire, housing and health, and safety codes. With over twenty-five years, he has built professional working relationships with property owners, tenants, the general public, officials and personnel from the Department of Buildings, and other agencies allowing him to foresee complications before they arise and provide effective solutions.

Brian Redlein, a CO-CEO, Principal of MBE Code & Zoning LLC., heads the New Buildings and Major Alterations Division, obtaining approvals from the Department of Buildings and all other City agencies. Brian administers code analysis to identify deficiencies in compliance of properties with applicable building, zoning, fire, housing and health, and safety codes. With over twenty-five years, he has built professional working relationships with property owners, tenants, the general public, officials and personnel from the Department of Buildings, and other agencies ensuring his effectiveness.

Mabel Cataldo serves as Managing Director of Marketing of MBE, where she is responsible for planning, development and implementation of all MBE’s marketing strategies, marketing communications, and public relations activities, both external and internal. Mabel has more than twenty years of experience in code compliance, specializing in project management, marketing and business development.

Jannys Ramos serves as Managing Director of MBE, where she is responsible for managing, developing and implementing an operational plan and ensuring that procedures are carried out properly.  She develops the policies and procedures necessary for MBE’s success and growth. With twenty-five years in the industry, she also manages major projects for high profile clients alongside architects, engineers, contractors and owners/developers. Jannys coordinates new buildings and major alterations.

Nicole Sarnicola serves as Managing Director of Business Services of MBE, where she manages and performs accounting tasks, including maintenance of the general ledger, preparation of financial reports and records, reconciliation of a variety of accounts, and cash flow analysis. With over twenty years in the industry, she ensures that all the company’s proposals are fully executed from start to finish from coordination to client presentation.

Millie Dominguez serves as Managing Director of Project Management of MBE, where she is responsible for the MBE’s overall project management function, providing leadership, integration, and management of PMO processes and functions to improve the consistency and efficiency of the firm’s project delivery. With over twenty years in the industry, Millie oversees the coordination of personnel and resources required to successfully complete projects. She manages clients such as architects, engineers, contractors and owners/developers for projects ranging from new building development to major alteration, manages clients such as architects, engineers, contractors and owners/developers for projects ranging from new building development to major alteration projects.

Liliana Ovalles serves as Managing Director of New Development at MBE, where she manages major projects for high profile clients. Liliana coordinates new buildings, major alteration and full building demolitions. She also reviews construction plans to verify compliance with multiple city agencies, as well as draft documents complementary to submitted plans to procure city agency approval through the certificate of occupancy. Liliana has been in the industry for over fifteen years.

The newest member of the team joining January 2020, Joseph Panetta, is the Executive Director, Business Development at MBE. With over twenty-five years in the industry, Joseph initiates each engagement and partner with clients throughout the life of the project ensuring its success and satisfaction.

About MBE Code & Zoning LLC

MBE Code & Zoning LLC is a highly experienced professional real estate team with more than 120 years of combined experience. MBE provides building code, zoning analysis, and expediting services to architects, engineers, construction professionals, developers, and building managers in the New York City metropolitan area. They are currently working on numerous projects, including the Museum of Natural History, 13 Laight Street the former Tribeca Film Festival Building, 53 Huron Street, Marriott Renaissance & Apartment Tower, 9 Dekalb Avenue the Dime Savings Bank, and The Virgin Hotel.


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