How to Rebuild Team Morale After a Rocky Situation

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How to Rebuild Team Morale After a Rocky Situation

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There’s boosting morale, and then there’s rebuilding morale, fairly different things. Sometimes, something just happens to the team- no matter the size, and it instantly ruins morale. These rocky situations can be anything from an employee accident, a change in management, a difference in ideas, someone passing away, someone getting terminated, drama, bullying, mistreatment, and the list can go on and on. No one likes having to deal with bad situations at work, but really, no matter the size of the company and no matter the industry, rocky situations are going to happen; that’s just how it is. 

But with that said, sometimes morale goes down due to all of this. Sure, it’s not ideal, but that’s how it goes. But what matters most is trying to boost morale. You need this in order for your team to function, in order for your company to function. So, here’s how you can build back that team morale!

Never Blame

Never point fingers or blame anyone; this is only going to make matters worse. Instead, listen to feedback, listen to what’s on everyone’s mind. Maybe some changes could be made to rebuild morale. For instance, if people feel unsafe working near a ledge or going downstairs, then railing companies can help. instead, don’t do the whole “just walk safer” or “don’t get close to the ledge in the first place.” If you blame, you’re going to have low morale (if any), and it will get to the point people are either going to quit or intentionally get fired. You don’t want this. 

Always Keep Positive

Rebuilding team morale can be difficult, especially after a negative event. Whether it’s a round of layoffs, losing a contract, or a major accident, employees can feel disheartened and deflated. This can lead to low productivity, increased stress, and absenteeism. Getting to the root of why your team is feeling discouraged can help you find strategies for boosting morale. Often, low morale results from poor communication, lack of trust, micromanagement, burnout, or insufficient recognition and appreciation.  

Listen, you can’t hold it against employees to feel all of these negative feelings and negative attention after awful things have happened.  Creating a positive culture that fosters open, honest communication, team-building activities, autonomy and work-life balance, and recognition will boost morale. Will this be hard? Absolutely, but you need to be positive, and you’re going to need to focus on a positive work culture, but with that said, that doesn’t mean sweeping things under the rug. 

It’s All About Investing in Your Employees

You need to keep in mind that low morale is due to the negligence of the company. You’ll have to own up to that. You are a business; you are running a business, and your employees depend on you for their livelihood. If you’re doing massive layoffs, not giving living wages, not caring about health and safety, then, of course, your employees are going to have low morale. Instead, invest in them; they’re your most powerful assets. It’s them that makes your business possible. 

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