How to Plan a Home Renovation: Tips and Strategies

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How to Plan a Home Renovation: Tips and Strategies

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Home renovation is a complex process, and as such, it requires careful planning. Most often, people know they want to change their homes but don’t know where to start. A detailed plan is key to a successful and efficient home renovation. Without a plan, you can experience delays or unexpected expenses. Keep reading to learn more about how to plan a home renovation with some valuable tips and strategies.

First of all, you must set a budget and know how much money you have at your disposal. Remember to account at least 10 to 20% more for unexpected expenses. Then, you should create a wishlist of things you wish to do or change. After you have your list, you should consult professionals to get a quote on how much it would cost. You need to decide whether you have the funds for all those things or to choose things you want to do, based on the available finances. Before starting the renovation process, consider getting a key lockbox, as it will make things much easier and faster. Additionally, you should try to be realistic about the timeline and expect the unexpected.

1. Set the budget

Since home renovation projects can be quite costly, one of the first things you must do is set the budget. People who have experienced a home renovation project will even say that setting the budget and sticking to it is one of the most important things when it comes to home renovation. You should also set an additional fund for unexpected costs as they are almost certain to happen. You might also need to eat out more if you’re renovating your kitchen or sleep in a hotel for a night or two if you are renovating your bedroom or bathroom. 

2. Create a wishlist

When you have your budget set, you can move on to the next step, which is creating a wishlist ie a list of things you wish to do or change around your home. You probably already have some idea about the things you wish to renovate. To get a complete picture of what you need to do, you should spend some time assessing every room of the house. Some features are probably old and dingy, some are not practical or functional, and some need to be fixed. All of these things require some kind of renovation. Note down all those things – you will use them later to discuss with a contractor or architect. 

3. Consult with professionals

Now that you have some idea about the things that require change, you should take your list and consult an architect or a contractor. You should find a few plausible contractors or architects, interview them and hire the one who you find suitable in all aspects. They will give you a quote and an estimated cost for all things you want to do. 

Then, when you have your budget set, a wishlist and the cost for everything you want to do, you can decide which things you can afford to renovate in case you don’t have enough funds. If you see that there are only a few things you can do to be satisfied with your current home, perhaps you can consider selling that home and buying a new one that you like. In this case, you should also consult Mornington real estate agents or any local real estate agents in the desired area. 

4. Consider a key lockbox

If the planned projects require you to live elsewhere for a little while, you should consider investing in a key lockbox. It will enable the contractor to enter your home without your presence. This is handy if you live far away temporarily, so you can focus on your work and not be late. A key lockbox or bright door hardware enables to contractor to enter your home with a valid code. 

5. Be realistic about the timeline + expect the unexpected

It’s essential to be realistic about the timeline. You will discuss the time needed for all projects with the contractor you hire. But always be prepared for a buffer period in case of unexpected occurrences. And lastly, you should always expect the unexpected when it comes to home renovation. Contractors always give a quote and time estimation in the best and most optimal case scenario.

We should always strive to transform our home into an oasis of peace; proper home renovation projects can bring you that.

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