Have you heard of the WISP before?

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Have you heard of the WISP before?

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Have you ever heard of a company / product called the “WISP”? You could quite possibly already have one of these in your home..?
Back in 2016 they released the WISP cleaning system that is actually quite innovative for several reasons. It’s an ultra-light broom designed for one-handed use. They also patented the Electrostatic Bristle Seal® technology featuring dense short 90° angle bristles that
keep debris, dust, allergens, & pet hair from escaping or getting flung back in the air!
After running a successful Kickstarter campaign, being featured on Shark Tank, Good Morning America, & The View, the WISP Cleaning System quickly became a household favorite, allowing us to create our their full line of unique & innovative products.
BUT they were still missing something. They actually received a ton of feedback from customers asking for a BIGGER version the WISP that could be used for large areas, the garage, outside patio etc.
Well, the reason I’m checking in with you is because they listened to their customers, created the new bigWISP, and its launching soon on Kickstarter.

The new bigWISP, which comes in both 18″ and 24″ sizes, is currently in the production process, but is also equipped with Bristle Seal® technology.


Read more BELOW


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Sanzari Completes Multi-Million-Dollar Glenpointe Marriott Project

Alfred Sanzari Enterprises, a preeminent family-owned and operated commercial and residential real estate firm, announces the completion of a capital improvement project at the Glenpointe Marriott, a 351-room full-service hotel located on the company’s Glenpointe corporate campus in Teaneck, N.J. The capital improvement project transformed the hotel’s 39,317-square-foot

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