Easy Solutions To Fulfill Life No Matter The Disability

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Easy Solutions To Fulfill Life No Matter The Disability

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Even though living with a physical disability comes with a big number of challenges, there are numerous ways to deal with a wide variety of limitations and enjoy that sought-after sense of independence.

They say my home is my castle, which is especially true in the case of disabled people who need a place tailored to their needs and wants. Here are easy solutions that can make your life or the life of your loved one less complicated and more fulfilling, no matter the disability.

A Portal of Resources Built to Help Disabled Citizens

Check out this website called grantsfordisabled.org for disabled people. It lists useful benefits, programs and options available for disabled individuals in every state and even in major cities.

Home Modifications

Some forms of modifications are often needed even in the case of not so complicated injuries like a broken leg, not to mention serious spinal dysfunctionalities that require the use of a wheelchair. If the condition of your loved one is permanent, certain changes should be made throughout the entire space: the kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, and, naturally, living room. Well, you will also have to think about outdoor access, especially if you live in the house.

Keep in mind that if a disabled person uses a wheelchair, many areas have to be redesigned completely simply because maneuvering seeks much more space for unrestricted access.
In line with that, you will have to focus on the bathroom and kitchen, making it possible for disabled people to take care of themselves and prepare their meals without the help of others. If the house has more than one level, then you will most likely need a ramp or lift. Ramps are less expensive but they are good only for a small rise. If a ramp is not an option and you cannot afford a lift, think of moving completely to the ground level.

Disability Accommodation

Adjusting your house or apartment to the needs of a disabled person is a complicated and expensive process, all the more so, not every space can serve the purpose. Many people opt for a different solution, looking for decent disabled housing to rent and save a lot of time, nerves, and money. Designed to provide more than just a living space, this type of accommodation sets entirely new standards when it comes to functionality and safety. The best thing of all is that people can choose from a broad variety of both group and individual homes in accordance with their needs and preferences.

Apart from peace of mind, such housing offers a custom-made environment and advantages of automation technology that facilitates ultimate safety, independence, and control. From automated height adjusting kitchen benchtop and easily accessible cabinetry and appliances to incredibly spacious areas that are often enhanced with access to beautiful gardens. If you don’t have the possibility to adapt your home to the needs of a disabled person, think of this option as a viable alternative, which in many cases, offers far more opportunities than remodeling your home.

Main Requirements

Regardless of whether you decide to modify your home or look for special disability accommodation, keep in mind that a barrier-free space is the main requirement. Start with the widening of doorways and hallways, so a wheelchair can easily come through. For the same purpose, remove all hall liners and carpets. As already mentioned, your bathroom will need a complete renovation, including installing dedicated grab bars in the toilet area, as well as graspable handles in the show.

Another important element is good lighting, hence make sure to install strong lights, preferably overhead. It’s a great idea to use innovative technologies that let you switch on and switch off the light with the help of voice-triggered commands. Make sure to carefully consider all eventual obstacles because once missed, some of them can grow into a truly serious problem. Chances are you will have to re-arrange the furniture or even get rid of several pieces.

As already mentioned, you will also think of the solution for stairs and choose between a ramp and a lift depending on the size of a rise and other factors. By the way, if you run out of ideas or just are not sure how to redesign a certain area for the best results, pay a visit to one of the special disabled accommodations in your neighborhood to see how professionals deal with those issues.

There is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to living with a disability, therefore you will have to consider different options and choose the one that suits your needs best. Do not forget that a comfortable home is crucial for a more fulfilling and happier life. Nothing can compare to the feeling of independence and empowerment provided by a safe and functional environment.


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