Customer Targeting: 5 Tips For Choosing The Right Customer

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Customer Targeting: 5 Tips For Choosing The Right Customer

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Customer targeting is a key component of any business’s progress. By precisely choosing and reaching the prospects that matter most, businesses can boost their sales. 

On the other hand, aiming at the wrong customers will result in the waste of resources and the misuse of opportunities. As a business owner, you wouldn’t want that. So, how to choose the right customer for your business?

In this article, we will discuss five tips for choosing the most suitable customer. Whether you are a startup or a big corporation, these tips will certainly help you target the right customers more accurately. Moreover, you can also obtain a higher marketing ROI.

Who is the Right Customer?

The “right customer” for your business refers to individuals or groups who are most likely to benefit from and engage with your products or services. 

These are the people who not only have a genuine need for what you offer but also possess the willingness to purchase it. Essentially, they are the ones who align with your brand values, have the capacity to become loyal customers and contribute positively to your business growth.

Targeting the right audience can help you to save time, effort, and resources.

Benefits of Having the Right Customer

1. Encourage Customer Loyalty

For every business, the most valuable asset is its loyal customer base. So, when you target the right customer, you can attract the customer who resonates with your brand values.  

Also, many studies have shown that 61% of consumers will pay at least 5% more if they know they’ll get a good customer experience. That’s a significant result, right?

Whereas, this positive experience helps customers to build trust and strengthen the relationship between your brand and your customers. As a result, they’re more inclined to return for repeat purchases and become advocates for your brand, spreading positive word-of-mouth recommendations. 

Moreover, customers always seek to connect with brands promptly if there is any problem. So, offering a dedicated second phone number can help ensure seamless communication. Plus, it helps to reduce queues and wait times.

2. Increased Revenue and Profitability

No matter what your industry niche is, it’s no secret that happy customers are more likely to spend more. They make repeated purchases, try new products and services, and spend more per transaction. In fact, a loyal customer is worth up to ten times the value of a first-time customer

Also, by targeting the right customers, you can focus on your marketing efforts. This means you can have a higher engagement with customers with lower acquisition costs. Hence, as long as you’re not wasting resources on reaching the wrong audience, your marketing budget will be used more efficiently.

3. Enhanced Brand Reputation

The right customers are always satisfied with the business’s products and services. When they are satisfied, they are more likely to share their positive experience with their friends, family, and others. Additionally, their testimonials and reviews act as social proof, influencing how potential customers perceive and make decisions.

This way, the right customers contribute significantly to both the brand’s online and offline reputation by consistently engaging with and supporting the business through positive word of mouth.

4. Valuable Customer Insights

Having the right customer can provide invaluable insights into your products and services. They’ll tell you what they love, what they don’t, and what you could be doing better. 

Also, a company that leverages customer behavior insights is said to outperform its competitors by 85% in sales growth and by 25% in gross margins. Hence, utilizing valuable customer insights will not only help you to strengthen customer relationships but also drive sustainable business growth.

5. Access to Resources and Relationships

With the right customer segment, you can open doors to many valuable resources and partnerships. The customer might have many networks and connections within their industries. Through it, you are more likely to encounter opportunities like collaboration, endorsements, and co-marketing initiatives with other businesses. 

Besides this, referrals from satisfied customers have a 16% higher lifetime value compared to non-referred customers. Additionally, loyal customers are more motivated to introduce key stakeholders, influencers, and decision-makers. This facilitates the company’s entry into new markets and expansion opportunities.

Tips For Choosing The Right Customer

Customers are a company’s most valuable asset. Hence, it is essential to provide them with high-quality products and excellent customer service. Most importantly, it is crucial to choose the right customer who wants your product. Choosing the right customer will lead to your brand’s success. 

Here are five tips for choosing the right customer.

1. Conduct Market Research

Identifying who your customers are is the first step. The moment you approach them with your products or services, you must have already understood their pain points, challenges, needs, and expectations.

The most simple way to get data from your customers is to ask for it. Oftentimes, customers will tell you exactly what they’re looking for. 

To get detailed information from customers, you can ask them to:

  • Fill out a survey
  • Reply to a question via email
  • Talk to you in a one-on-one discussion

Among these, conducting surveys is relatively easy. However, getting customers to respond to them can be difficult. As a result, incentive programs are often needed, which require a budget to be successful.

An alternative to the official survey is an email survey with a single question. For example, send an email to your best customers asking them what they think about your most pressing issue.

2. Study Customer Behavior

Following the identification of customers, you must conduct a study of their online behavior.

  • What are their favorite websites? 
  • How do they spend their time outside of business hours? 
  • What social media platforms have they joined?

You should try to interact with other people in these online spaces whenever possible.

3. Most Efficient Lead Generation Channel

Depending on your business model, lead generation can occur through multiple channels. This includes

  • Google ads
  • Social media campaigns
  • Content marketing
  • Website
  • SEO
  • Paid advertising, etc. 

You should find a lead generation channel that brings you qualified leads. By finding the right channel, you can put in your efforts and time to reach out to more audiences and demonstrate your company’s offerings. In most cases, a blog about your business or products on your website can be a great way to educate your customers, which is how you get the best leads.

4. Learn from your Past Clients

In any business, there will be some level of customer churn. A churned customer leaves the vendor with many valuable lessons for the future. In order to understand why they left, you must do a proper churn analysis.

Also, analyze your CRM data to identify common characteristics among your most satisfied and profitable clients. These lessons can then be used to satisfy new clients’ selection criteria and provide improved service. Additionally, evaluate the communication style used with both churned and satisfied customers to identify any patterns or areas for improvement. Also, you need to find out what industries they belong to and what their pain points and objectives are.

5. Association with Other Businesses

When you target the right customer, you can form strategic partnerships with other companies. Through these partnerships, you can cross-promote each other’s products or collaborate on joint marketing campaigns.

Thus, collaborating with other businesses through customer associations can provide access to shared resources and expertise. Whether sharing market insights, leveraging each other’s distribution channels, or pooling resources for joint projects, partnering with businesses that serve similar customer segments can amplify the efficiency and effectiveness of your marketing efforts.

Lastly, it helps businesses find ideas and perspectives for new innovation. By engaging with customers, you can gain valuable insights. This also includes product improvement and new offerings. 


In summary, as a business owner, you should focus your marketing efforts on those who are most likely to convert into valued customers. This will increase the efficiency of your marketing campaigns and improve your return on investment. 

Also, understanding and prioritizing the right customer base not only drives sales but also fosters long-term success and sustainability for your business.

Hence, it is essential that you conduct thorough research to find the right customers and study their behavior to provide good customer service. You should also select the best lead generation channel that will help you reach a larger audience base. 

Not to mention, you should always do a proper customer churn analysis to learn about past customer experiences with your business. This will help you develop appropriate strategies and plans.


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