CCCT with Peter Colla from Global Environmental Mindfulness Video
For over thirty years of personal clinical experience, thousands of individuals treated, personal case references, prayer, self-examination, and learning; Anna and Peter Colla have dedicated their Health and Wellness lives to a philosophy that will no longer merely treat the symptoms of afflictions, but thoroughly examine the causes of these issues, then formulate a specific personal treatment strategy that will take into consideration the mind, body and spiritual aspects of injuries, cumulating into a strategy inspired by God that will also utilize this information to combat these hurdles, thus granting to each and every one of us the healing we have all been promised by God. Then integrating these philosophies into program development, business, and treatment. They have written hundreds of articles, self-published three books and publicly spoken and taught these principles, for now, a decade.

Peter Colla Blog site is:
Books are Available on Amazon US, UK, and all Amazon Markets, can be directly ordered through us signed copies email;
Heal Yourself; “For God’s Sake”
Quantum Ascension