Boost Your Brand By Telling Story On Instagram

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Boost Your Brand By Telling Story On Instagram

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Almost every brand is using Instagram today, and there is a good reason for that. Social media became a very credible source of marketing and advertising for most brands over the past couple of years.
Instagram is one of the world’s most widely used social media networks. With its daily 500 million users, brands know that it has the potential to take their business to the next level.
Another advantage that Instagram offers the users is the Stories feature. It was launched only two years ago, but its popularity has spread to all parts of the globe like wildfire. Today, it has a user base that counts over 400 million.
With Instagram Stories, marketers are given the opportunity to reach out to a high number of people like never before. The single catch is that each Story has a time limit of 15 seconds which you have to use wisely.
Instagram Stories is an excellent way for you to show your audience real and uncut content. Documenting the journey of your brand is a great way to do this. Posting behind the scenes content and conducting candid interviews with your workers is another excellent idea.
One brand that is particularly proficient in using Stories is NASA. Despite being a governmental agency, it is doing a great job at engaging its millions of followers using this Instagram’s feature.
The agency uses it to go in-depth, offering its followers background information on research as well as visuals that help to complement its normal Instagram posts.
NASA also posts behind-the-scenes footage and interviews that engage the followers. Earlier this year, it even went as far as joining forces with actor and influencer Will Smith to interview an astronaut in space.
You can tell stories about your product and services. It develops brand loyalty, which raises the chances of purchase and referrals. The infographic below has more tips on using this great feature.


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