How to Enjoy Cannabis Shake: A Guide to Using Leftover Weed

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How to Enjoy Cannabis Shake: A Guide to Using Leftover Weed

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Cannabis shake often gets overlooked in favor of larger, more pristine buds, but it’s far from being just “scraps.” In fact, cannabis shake can be a budget-friendly and versatile option for anyone looking to maximize their stash. Whether you’ve bought it in bulk or found some leftover bits at the bottom of your jar, there are plenty of ways to enjoy it. Plus, if you know where to look, you can even find cheap shake online, making it an even more economical option.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through what cannabis shake is, how to use it, and why it’s worth keeping around. Whether you’re looking to make edibles, roll a quick joint, or infuse some oil, cannabis shake can serve multiple purposes without breaking the bank.

What Is Cannabis Shake?

Cannabis shake refers to the small pieces of cannabis flower that fall off during handling, trimming, or packaging. It’s essentially the bits and fragments that accumulate at the bottom of your container. While some people may view shake as less desirable than whole buds, it still contains cannabinoids like THC and CBD, which means it can be just as potent.

However, it’s important to note that the potency of cannabis shake can vary depending on its source. Shake from high-quality buds can be a real gem, while shake from older, lower-grade flowers might not deliver the same experience.

Why Shake Isn’t Just “Leftovers”

One of the biggest misconceptions about cannabis shake is that it’s simply waste. In reality, shake can be an excellent resource for those who want to stretch their cannabis budget. When handled and stored properly, shake can offer the same benefits as whole buds, but often at a fraction of the cost.

For example, dispensaries often sell shake at a discounted rate because it’s considered less aesthetically pleasing than full buds. But if you’re more concerned with effects than appearance, shake can be an incredible value. Plus, since it tends to be more finely ground, it’s easier to use in a variety of applications, from rolling joints to cooking edibles.

How to Use Cannabis Shake

If you’ve ever wondered how to put cannabis shake to good use, you’re in luck. There are many ways to enjoy shake, and its versatility is one of its biggest advantages.

1. Roll It Into Joints

Cannabis shake is perfect for rolling joints. Because it’s already somewhat broken down, you can skip the grinding process, which makes it quicker and easier to roll. Simply grab your favorite rolling papers and a filter, and you’re good to go.

One thing to keep in mind is that shake may burn faster than whole buds because it’s already finely ground. To combat this, consider mixing it with a small amount of larger nugs or even some tobacco if that’s your preference.

2. Make Edibles

Shake is ideal for making cannabis edibles. Since you’re going to be infusing it into butter or oil, the appearance and texture of the flower don’t matter much. You’ll want to start by decarboxylating the shake—this process involves heating it to activate the THC before it can be infused into your cooking medium.

To decarb your shake, spread it evenly on a baking sheet and bake it at 240°F (115°C) for about 30-40 minutes. Once decarboxylated, the shake can be used to make cannabis butter, oil, or even tinctures. These infused products can then be incorporated into various recipes like brownies, cookies, or even savory dishes.

3. Make Cannabutter

Cannabutter is one of the most common ways to use cannabis shake in edibles. After decarboxylating your shake, simmer it with butter and a little water for a few hours to infuse the THC into the fat. Strain out the plant matter, and you’ve got potent, ready-to-use butter for your next batch of baked goods.

4. Create Cannabis-Infused Oils

Infused oils are another excellent way to make the most of cannabis shake. After decarboxylating, combine the shake with your oil of choice—coconut oil and olive oil are popular options—and simmer for several hours. Strain out the plant material, and you’ll have a versatile cannabis oil that can be used in cooking or topically.

5. Vaporize It

If you’re a fan of vaping, cannabis shake can be a great option. Since it’s already broken down into smaller particles, it’s easier to load into your vaporizer. Just be sure to use a high-quality vaporizer with temperature controls to avoid burning the shake too quickly.

Benefits of Cannabis Shake

Using cannabis shake has several benefits beyond just being cost-effective. Let’s explore some of the reasons why shake is worth considering.

1. Budget-Friendly

One of the most significant benefits of cannabis shake is its affordability. Since shake is often considered lower quality because it doesn’t look as good as full buds, many dispensaries sell it at a reduced price. This makes it an excellent option for those looking to save money while still enjoying the benefits of cannabis.

2. Easy to Work With

Cannabis shake is easier to handle than whole buds. You don’t have to go through the process of grinding it before use, and its smaller size means it’s ready to go for a wide range of applications, from rolling joints to cooking edibles.

3. Versatility

Whether you prefer smoking, vaping, or making edibles, cannabis shake can be used in almost any method of consumption. Its versatility makes it a great addition to your cannabis toolkit, especially if you like experimenting with different ways to enjoy weed.

4. Great for Bulk Uses

If you’re planning to make a large batch of edibles or tinctures, using shake can be a cost-effective way to achieve your goals. Since you’re not as concerned with the visual appeal of the cannabis, shake allows you to stretch your supply without sacrificing potency.

How to Store Cannabis Shake

Like all cannabis products, proper storage is key to maintaining the potency and freshness of your shake. To store it correctly, keep your cannabis shake in an airtight container in a cool, dark place. This will help prevent it from drying out or losing its potency over time.

If you find that your shake is a bit dry, you can try rehydrating it with a humidity pack or by placing a small piece of citrus peel in the container for a few hours. Just be careful not to leave it in for too long, as too much moisture can lead to mold growth.

Is Cannabis Shake Right for You?

Cannabis shake isn’t for everyone, but it can be an excellent option for those looking to save money or make edibles in bulk. If you’re someone who values effects over appearance, shake can offer a potent and cost-effective way to enjoy cannabis without spending a fortune. Plus, with so many ways to use it, shake can be a fun and versatile addition to your cannabis routine.


Cannabis shake is often underrated, but with a little creativity, it can be just as enjoyable and effective as whole buds. From rolling joints to infusing oils and butter, shake offers a versatile and budget-friendly option for cannabis users. So the next time you find yourself at the bottom of your stash or browsing for cheap shake online, don’t hesitate to give it a try. You might just discover a new favorite way to enjoy cannabis.

Whether you’re a seasoned cannabis enthusiast or someone looking to stretch their budget, shake provides a valuable way to enjoy the many benefits of cannabis without the premium price tag.



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