Rinnai Donates Tankless Water Heaters to Camp

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Rinnai Donates Tankless Water Heaters to Camp

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Rinnai Camp Southern Ground 102315

When campers arrive for the first time next summer at Camp Southern Ground, the Georgia camp founded by GRAMMY Award winning artist Zac Brown for children of all abilities ages 7-17, they’ll have plenty of hot water, thanks to a donation of a commercial-grade Rinnai Tankless Rack System (TRS) with three tankless water heaters.

 The gift from Rinnai America Corporation, the number-one selling brand of tankless water heaters in the U.S. and Canada, will provide an endless supply of hot water for the concessions area, restrooms and shower facilities in the Camp’s 12,000-square foot Shade and Play Pavilion, which is currently under construction.

“Thanks to Rinnai’s generosity, Camp Southern Ground will be a step closer to serving campers in 2016 and helping them achieve excellence today and throughout their lives. Zac and our camp board members are thrilled with this remarkably generous gift from our friends at Rinnai,” said Rob Parker, CEO for Camp Southern Ground.

 As one of the camp’s “Core Essential” buildings, the Shade and Play Pavilion will provide campers a place for recreational play shaded from the hot summer sun. The pavilion will include a multi-use court for basketball and other sports, a storage room and a patio area for hosting cookouts and gatherings.

The Shade and Play Pavilion will also play an important role in supporting the camp’s 15-acre organic farm and educating campers about the importance of proper nutrition and the health benefits of organic eating. Its commercial concessions kitchen and walk-in coolers will provide cleaning and storage areas when fruits and vegetables are harvested, as well as support the camp’s farm-to-table approach to cooking.

 “Tankless is a smart choice for places like Camp Southern Ground, where the facilities are not needed year-round, but when they are, the demand for hot water is high,” said Frank Windsor, General Manager of Rinnai America Corporation. “Additionally, the camp will enjoy the peace of mind provided by the redundancy of multiple tankless units, space savings, energy-efficiency and reduced overall cost of ownership — allowing them to focus on their mission of making camp an unforgettable experience for every child who visits.

Rinnai Tankless Rack Systems provide energy-, space- and cost-savings compared to traditional domestic water boilers and storage tank water heaters in commercial applications like hotels, restaurants, schools, healthcare and multifamily housing. More details about these models, which are available for applications ranging from 199,000 BTU up to 4.9 million BTU through Rinnai wholesale distribution, can be found at rinnai.us/commercial.

 “Supporting the community and the amazing work of local organizations like Camp Southern Ground is one of the core philosophies for Rinnai and its employees. We are happy to be able to help in every way that we can, especially in investing in our future through our community’s children,” said Takashi Sonoda, President of Rinnai America Corporation

For more information about Camp Southern Ground, visit CampSouthernGround.org.

About Rinnai

Rinnai America Corporation, a subsidiary of Rinnai Corporation in Nagoya, Japan, was established in 1974 and is headquartered in Peachtree City ,Georgia. Rinnai Corporation manufactures gas appliances including tankless water heaters, a wide range of kitchen appliances and heating and air conditioning units. As the technology leader in its industry, Rinnai is the largest gas appliance manufacturer in Japan and is the number-one selling brand of tankless gas water heaters in North America. Annual corporate revenues, including those of its subsidiaries, are in excess of $2.5 billion. With a global perspective to create 21st century products for the home and business, Rinnai Corporation commits itself to safety and the pursuit of comfortable lifestyles. For more information about Rinnai’s entire product line, visit rinnai.us.

Photo from left to right: Takanori Oka, Executive Assistant to the President, Rinnai, Ansley Houston, Director of Commercial Business, Rinnai, Drake Bivins, COO/CFO, Camp Southern Ground, Ben Ferguson, Director of Construction, Camp Southern Ground, Steve Walsh, Director of Operations, Rinnai.


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