6 Signs It’s Time to Remodel Your Bathroom

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6 Signs It’s Time to Remodel Your Bathroom

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Owning a home can be exciting and new, but as time passes, your home starts aging. Unfortunately, your home will also lack the ability to adapt and change with the times without a bit of help. In as few as ten years, it can be considered outdated.  
The room that suffers from the test of time the most, though, is undoubtedly the bathroom. 
If you aren’t sure if your bathroom is in dire need of an update, then keep reading to find the 6 signs its time to remodel that bathroom.  

1. Your Bathroom Style is Outdated  

You can still love your home but see that some aspects aren’t aging well. What was in vogue years ago isn’t the style now, and it’s beginning to bother you.  
At first, you probably were in love with the bathroom’s overall style, but now those neon greens and pinks have just become an eyesore.  Fortunately, the cosmetic features like the outdated tiling, or even the paint, can be redone by contacting the BGI Construction Company. Remodeling contractors can help you get your bathroom back with the times in much less time than you can on your own.  

2. The Layout Doesn’t Work  

The layout of your bathroom should focus on the available functional space or the space you occupy while using it. If you are feeling cramped or crowded, then it is likely that the layout is just not relevant to your lifestyle anymore. A significant step towards updating the layout could be updating the vanity or shower to conserve more space. 

3. The Plumbing Could Use Updating  

This tip is the most important if you live in an older home and haven’t changed anything about the original plumbing. Common examples of plumbing issues can include: 
Dripping faucets 
Running toilets 
Low water pressure. 
Updating your plumbing will save you in the long run, too. If you’re a family of four, fixing a leaky faucet can save you 10% on your water bills.  

4. You Notice Mold or Mildew  

A major sign of an outdated bathroom is mold or mildew growth. Your bathroom is constantly a warm, humid environment. Older bathrooms don’t have the necessary ventilation to relieve humidity. During an update, you can have contractors remove any current growth. Then, you can include preventative measures to ensure it won’t come back. 

5. Not Enough Storage  

Your bathroom may feel small and outdated, especially if you lack sufficient storage space. Many older sinks do not include storage drawers, and your medicine cabinet may not be large enough to store everything you need.  
Something as simple as installing new vanities can enhance the space. You can even get creative with what you already have by building shelving in your walls.  

6. It Smells Old 

Some older bathrooms just have a musty smell, and you might even be a little nose blind to it. But you guests certainly notice it.  
These smells tend to originate from the mildew clinging to the walls, but they can also result from old and faulty plumbing. Water can leak out from the pipes and get into the walls or flooring, causing the mildew to spread, thus creating a gut-wrenching scent. 

The Takeaway 

Bathrooms can quickly go out of date due, especially if the home is aging. But even the previous owners’ choices can date the room quicker than you’d like. While some of these problems have cheap, inexpensive fixes — others don’t if left unintended.  It’s vital to have your bathroom remodeled before any problem has a chance to grow and cost you more down the line. 


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