6 questions to ask GC to build sports complex

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6 questions to ask GC to build sports complex

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Building a sports complex is no easy feat, and if the project is successfully executed, it has the potential to jumpstart the career of the project manager. If a sports complex is built well, it can also create a good name for the construction company that was hired to build it.
A sports complex is not the same as a high-rise building, and you need a vast area of land to implement the task of building one. Acquiring the land itself can be expensive and a hard-to-come-by commodity.
However, even if you have acquired or bought land in ample quantity and have created a good plan for building a sports complex, if you do not hire the suitable construction company, the project will not achieve the desired results.
There are various things to consider before you hire a construction company. Here are some questions you should ask before you think of hiring any construction company for your sports complex:
1) What kind of industry experience do they have?
Hiring a run-of-the-mill construction company to build an architectural structure as technical as that of a sports complex will be a massive blunder. It is imperative that whichever construction company you select for building your sports complex should be the industrial specialist and a game-changer in the field of building sports complexes.
When it comes to commercial construction, different construction firms tend to specialize in different types of commercial buildings such as office spaces and shopping malls.
Sports complexes and recreational centers often times require the building of a gymnasium, racing tracks and multiple playgrounds and swimming pool.
This requires technical expertise which can only be gained from executing similar projects in the past. Before you lock down, the construction company which will facilitate the building of your sports complex, it is vital to ascertain that the company has had a portfolio of past experience and recommendations as well as rave reviews from their previous clients.
2) Do they fulfill all their legal requirements such as having a contracting license, insurance for workers?
The practice of offering bulk discounts and subsidized costing when the companies are not operating with legal validation is commonplace. Therefore, it is best to be cautious of discounted prices and sub-contractor intervention when you are locking down the contract.
It would also be recommended to check their treatment of employees regarding insurance and implementing safety measures for the workers who work on site. This is because construction is not an easy profession for the laborers and if proper precautions are not taken, the lives of the construction employees may be at stake.
In case, the construction company is involved in any legal squabbles or complications, you should also be made aware of that. It is a risk to engage in business dealings with a company that is already in legal trouble.
The construction company that is to be hired must be licensed and registered as a commercial construction company.
3) What is the provision of timeline for execution of the project?
Before you sign up with the construction company, ask them to provide a timeline with a start and end date for the execution of the project.
A sports complex is built with a great deal of hard work and precision, as well as technical aspects such as building regulations, turf selection also need to be accounted for. This is the precise reason why the timeline of constructing a sports complex can often be inaccurately made. It is important that the project does not exceed a specified amount of time in being built because that can also increase the cost of the project manifold.
The time provided by the construction company can also be gauged by asking them how many other clients they will be serving during the time they are employed for your sports complex project. If you can request them to assign dedicated resources for your project only, then construction time may be minimized.
4) What will be the cost and payment schedule?
Before any contract with the construction company is finalized, you need to agree on a set cost and payment installments for the project. This will help in building rapport with the company, and the communication here should be crystal clear and preferably in written form. The amount that is to be paid in advance and the installments during the length of the project need to be settled.
You need to not be tempted by construction companies that are bidding the lowest or quoting discounted prices because you will not be aware of which stage of construction they are saving or cutting on costs. This may result in a loosely constructed sports facility.
5) What parts of the project will be outsourced including soil-testing, the hiring of sub-contractors and selection of architect?
There are various parts in the construction of a sports center that can be outsourced because there is a great deal of technical detailing required. An expert architect can be hired by you individually, and he or she can work with you directly.
Alternately, the construction company you hire can introduce you to an expert architect who has specialized knowledge in irrigation systems, turf grass management, plumbing, race tracks and stadiums.
A soil testing lab will also be hired to understand whether the existing soil is appropriate or a different soil needs to be utilized. This needs to be done before the location and construction company for the sports complex has been finalized.
In case the construction company is hiring a sub-contractor, you need to ensure that communication channels between you and the sub-contractors are not closed off.
6) What kind of post-construction facilities and services do they provide?
It is also best to discuss with the construction company whether they will offer their services after the construction of the sports complex. Once the sports complex facility has been constructed, there can be issues or minor changes that need to be made in the design and build of the center. It is best to opt for the company which is willing to provide services and expertise post the execution of the project.
Author Bio:
Andrea Bell is a blogger by choice. She loves to discover the world around her. She likes to share her discoveries, experiences and express herself through her blogs. Currently, she is associated with Nationwide Construction team.
Find her on Twitter:@IM_AndreaBell


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