6 Modern Nightstand Essentials for a Sleek Bedroom Ambiance

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6 Modern Nightstand Essentials for a Sleek Bedroom Ambiance

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Have you ever wanted to pick up your phone or alarm and ended up knocking off other items? If this sounds like you, you may need a bedroom organizer. Or, better yet, you may need to organize the bedside table better.

If your bedroom is messy, start by understanding what you want, and organize it to maintain its functional and aesthetic benefits. Get inspiration online to arrange it or seek the help of an interior designer. Prepare for the change and get proper organizers such as a modern nightstand to keep everything in order. A good nightstand should help you store the small things you often need, like books, alarms, pens, and phones.

In this guide, we will offer six main insights to help you create a sleek bedroom ambiance with nightstand essentials. Keep reading.

1. Choose the Right Nightstand

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You may invest in a good nightstand to create a fresh look in the bedroom. However, the stands come in varying sizes and designs, so you should be keen only to pick what suits your bedroom. If possible, ensure the stand’s color matches that of the other furniture, like your bed. For instance, if the bed is white, get a modern nightstand in white to make your bedroom more appealing. Here are helpful tips to keep in mind when buying it:

Measure the Size

Understand the exact size of the nightstand you will need for your bedroom. Its size will depend on the number of essentials you have and the amount of free space in the bedroom.

Consider the Style

Some nightstands have open shelves, while others are closed. Consider the style that would complement the ambiance of your bedroom.

Check Quality

Get high-quality furniture that lasts a long time. To avoid compromising its quality, consider getting it from a reputable seller.

2. Select the Right Nightstand Essentials

Once you get the right nightstand, carefully choose the items you will store on it to avoid cluttering it. These items may include a torch, mobile phone, spray, lip balm, watch, water bottle, glass of water, hand lotions, eyeglasses, and more.

Nightstand essentials should be items you occasionally need when sleeping or napping. Since the stand is usually near the bed, you will quickly pick it up day or night. So, understand what you use the most to store on the nightstand.

3. Keep it organized

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There’s no need to have a nightstand if it will always be messy. Remember that you need to create a sleek bedroom ambiance, and the nightstand should be a valuable addition, not a destroyer. If you are overwhelmed by the organization, follow these tips to maintain everything in order.

  • Create zones to store similar items. For instance, you can have a zone for electronics and makeup items.
  • Label some zones for easy picking of items, such as if the extensive nightstand has many compartments.
  • Keep the most commonly used items on top for easy access, and lock the less-used ones in the cabinets/drawers.

4. Improve On Lighting

Lighting naturally improves the bedroom atmosphere; you may need it more when you have a nightstand. When the lighting is sufficient, you can easily pick items on the nightstand, even at night. Also, enough light will help you get a good sleep, and see the arrangement clearly, allowing you to pinpoint any missing essentials. Here are practical tips to enhance lighting in the bedroom and increase its elegance:

  • Allow natural light. Remove any obstacles on the window and use curtains/blinds that allow natural light to enter your bedroom.
  • Consider multiple lighting options. If you have ceiling lights, get the bedside lamps, which you can place on the nightstand to improve the room’s aesthetics.
  • Be picky on bulbs. Choose energy-efficient ones with adjustable lighting options.

5. Create Enough Space

Another incredible idea for improving the ambiance of your bedroom with a nightstand is to create space that facilitates movement and allows you to see all corners. It also makes picking some items much more straightforward. If your room is small, chances are the nightstand will always be overloaded, and it might not enhance the appeal of your bedroom as expected.

So, create more space in your bedroom by removing the things you don’t want. For instance, you may remove the books or clothes you no longer use for the bedroom. You may also add wall or ceiling lighting to avoid the floor lamps being space-consuming. Opt for smaller cabinets, and utilize the wall space to create enough space.

6. Keep the Bedroom Clean

Keep the bedroom clean. Otherwise, you may not notice any change if the nightstand is neat, and the entire bedroom is disorganized. To keep your bedroom clean, practice the following tips:

  • Make your bed well every morning
  • Declutter the nightstand of anything that you don’t use
  • Dust and vacuum the floor mat
  • Clean the floor every day
  • Keep the bedsheet clean and dry all through
  • Place a trash bin at the corner for easier trash removal


A nightstand is a valuable investment that you can get for your bedroom. It promotes neatness, provides quick access to some items, and improves the room’s aesthetics. When buying it, pick a color and style that completes the bedroom’s other aspects, and ensure it fits well.

Also, work on other bedroom aspects like the lighting and spacing to maintain a sleek appearance. Keep it clean, and know when to upgrade old, unappealing furniture.

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