4 Ways to Gain Storage Space At Home

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4 Ways to Gain Storage Space At Home

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If you’ve moved between multiple houses and you like to hold onto things, it’s likely that you have boxes (usually unopened) of items from your past. With a growing family, you might find that you’re running out of space in the house to store these items. There is only so much room inside your house, and if you have sorted through your belongings – but are unable to get rid of anything else – you might be struggling to find more storage space. We’ve come up with four different storage solutions that you can use in your own home.

Convert Your Attic

If you haven’t already taken advantage of the space in your roof, you should look at the options for converting your attic. If you don’t want to use this as an additional bedroom or study, you can convert your attic into a spare room where you can install multiple shelves and cupboards – even in the lower parts where the roof meets the flooring. This is an excellent use of space, and can free up other areas in your home to declutter.

Build a Driveway

Choosing to park and store your car in your garage can take up lots of room. By building a driveway to park your cars, you make use of the space you have outside your home but also maximize the garage storage capabilities. You can choose to DIY your driveway yourself, or you can save yourself the hassle and hire a professional like Richfield Blacktop to complete the work. Once there is space in your garage and you get rid of that scrap car, you can build shelves, units and overhead lockers to store your extra items that you have lying around but unused inside the house.

Prioritize Storage

If you know you are going to use certain items more than others, you should place these items in areas that are easier to reach, and in front of other items that you know you won’t use for a while. Putting winter-season clothes on the top shelves and above cupboard spaces, allows you to keep them out of sight until they are needed in six months’ time. You can organize these in handy plastic containers with clear labels, so that you know exactly what is inside without having to rummage around!

Use Off-Site Storage

For items that you are storing for future use but aren’t needed in the present time, such as baby cradles, or skiing and camping gear, you should look for cheap storage facilities located in your town. Whilst they aren’t as immediately accessible as your own home, and might require you to drive to reach them, most storage facilities are open 24/7 and are very secure. This can leave you with storage space in your home for the more important and useful items that you’ll need on a much regular basis than the belongings that you choose to store elsewhere outside the house.

With some of these solutions more expensive than others, the best and cheapest way to create more storage space in your house is to get rid of the items and belongings that you no longer need! However, this is not an option for everyone, so give one of the above tips a try if you need to find more storage space in your home.


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