Xtralis Sees Growth for Fire Detectors

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Xtralis Sees Growth for Fire Detectors

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Xtralis®, the pioneer of very early warning aspirating smoke detectors, continues to grow market share according to the latest IHS Technology report titled “The World Market for Fire Detection and Suppression Products – 2014 Edition.”  The measure of fire detector manufacturers shows Xtralis rose from #7 in 2006 to #4 in 2013 with a 6.3% global market share, up from 5% in 2006. Xtralis continues to have a significant lead in the aspirating smoke detection (ASD) category of fire detectors, with an estimated 61.3% market share, up over 15% from 2006 levels. That share does not include China, where Xtralis believes its market share exceeds 80% from sales of its VESDA, ICAM, and FMST ASD products. To see the full report, please buy it at technology.ihs.com/438723/fire-detection-suppression-2014.
Xtralis manufactures VESDA® and ICAM™ ASDs globally, and FMST™ ASDs in China. According to the IHS Technology report, the ASD market will see a 2013-2018 compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8.7%, tops among all fire detector types. Xtralis offers ECO — a gas detection module for VESDA & ICAM detectors, enabling multi-sensor capabilities, and OSID — a dual wavelength beam detector designed for large open areas. IHS expects the world-wide Multi-Sensor and Beam markets to see 7.0% and 6.5% CAGR over the same period, positioning Xtralis ECO and OSID products for rapid growth.
To learn more about the complete line of Xtralis fire, smoke, and gas detection solutions, visit www.xtralis.com.
About Xtralis: Xtralis® is the leading global provider of powerful solutions for the early detection and visual of fire, gas and security threats. Our technologies prevent disasters by giving users time to respond before life, critical infrastructure or business continuity is compromised. We protect high-value and irreplaceable assets belonging to the world’s top governments and businesses. Our brands include VESDA® & VESDA-E™ – the world’s No.1 very early warning aspirating smoke detection (ASD) systems; ICAM™ for flexible ASD; ECO™ – Gas detection & environmental monitoring modules for VESDA & ICAM systems; OSID™ – easy to use smoke detection for open areas; ADPRO® & ADPRO-E™ – advanced, intelligent access, perimeter & intrusion detection solutions for multi-site & enterprise security; HeiTel™ – digital video remote monitoring; and, ASIM® – intelligent traffic detection. To learn more, please visit us at www.xtralis.com.


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