WI Public Service & MEA Life Sustaining Award

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WI Public Service & MEA Life Sustaining Award

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MEA Energy Association (MEA) is honored to present Todd Siebold, a gas utility mechanic for WEC Energy Group – Wisconsin Public Service, with a Life Sustaining Award for saving a young man’s life.
Siebold was driving to a job site when he saw a young man running erratically along the road. The man fell into a ditch but managed to get up and run into a power pole before falling again. Through his rearview mirror, Siebold noticed that the individual did not get up a second time, so he pulled over and called 911.
Siebold went to the man’s location to make sure he was visible and stood by until the police arrived. The police recognized that he was overdosing and administered two shots of Narcan before the ambulance arrived. The young man was taken to the hospital and the police thanked Siebold for his actions. The individual would have died from the overdose had he not received help.
“MEA is honored to present this Life Sustaining Award to Todd,” said John Gann, MEA Vice President. “We are extremely grateful that he reacted quickly to save the life of a stranger. His actions are a testament to his character and to the training he received as a Wisconsin Public Service employee.”
Wisconsin Public Service serves electric and natural gas customers in northeast and central Wisconsin and has been an MEA member since 2008.
MEA Life Sustaining Awards are presented to individuals from member companies who have saved the life of another. Applications for the MEA Life Sustaining Award are reviewed and approved by the Executive Committee of MEA’s Board of Directors. Read about all MEA awards at https://www.meaenergy.org/membership/awards/.
About MEA:MEA serves the people that deliver electricity and natural gas to homes and businesses. We were founded as a trade association over 115 years ago by distribution utilities whose vision was to improve safety and efficiency. Today, we fulfill the same purpose through education, leadership development, and industry connections. Energy delivery companies, contractors, and suppliers around the country benefit from our 55 summits, roundtables, and webinars, 400+ online technical courses, safety assessments, evaluator training, operator qualification compliance tools, and leadership courses for field personnel.


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