Why Hire a Post-Construction Cleaning Specialist

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Why Hire a Post-Construction Cleaning Specialist

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Construction is a messy business.
From the large chunks of debris left from cutting holes in drywall to the fine dust created by sanding down wood trim, there’s a lot of mess made during the building process. Add to that the randomly dropped screws, piles of left-over lumber, and trash left everywhere you look.
After all, the crew was hired to build something, not clean up after themselves.
This is where a post-construction cleaning team comes in handy. While a residential or commercial construction crew should haul off the big debris and might sweep up easy-to-see trash, they don’t address the finer details of cleaning. Windows will be covered in fingerprints, and baseboards will be covered in drywall dust.
The cleaning crew can take care of all those details, leaving you with a move-in ready home or workspace. Here are just a few reasons it makes sense to hire one.
Proper Waste Disposal
Construction sites aren’t just full of trash and debris. They’re sometimes full of trash and debris that requires a specific method of disposal.
Your post-construction cleaning specialist should know all about the local rules and regulations in your area to dispose of paint, drywall, and other debris. This might even require special permits and licenses depending on the waste removal, so it’s best left to the experts.
Prepared for the Job
Construction cleaning might seem like an area where you could save money by doing it yourself. But know that a professional team will have the proper equipment and experience to do the job right the first time. They can get it done faster than you, and you won’t have to buy so much as a dust rag.
They will also have a process in place for ensuring things are done in the right order and that everything that needs to get done gets done. They know how to dust a ceiling and even that you should dust a ceiling.
Focus on What You Do Best
Outsourcing the post-construction cleaning process allows you to focus just on the construction. You don’t have yet one more crew to hire and supervise, which frees you up to move on to the next job and do what you do best.
Post-Construction Cleaning Checklist
Expect your cleaning crew to handle the following items:

  • Clean walls (dust, smudges, scuff marks, dirt)
  • Trash removal
  • Hand wash all doors and trim
  • Dust and vacuum the entire area multiple times to pick up residual falling debris
  • Wash all closets and cabinets
  • Wipe down all reachable lights
  • Remove all tape and tape residue
  • Cleaning and shining plumbing fixtures
  • Windows – sticker removal, track and frame cleaning
  • Ventilation systems cleaning / Heating and cooling / Fans
  • Floor cleaning, waxing, buffing, sealing

Bring on the Clean
Contracting with a post-construction cleaning service saves time and money and reduces your stress. They can improve safety on your site during construction as well as ensure a move-in-ready product at the end.
Consider adding a team like Power Cleaners to your construction process as well to prep walls and floors before the next stage of construction. It’s an investment well worth considering when you create your project budget.


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