Why Custom Staircases Are Great For Commercial Properties

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Why Custom Staircases Are Great For Commercial Properties

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Most elements in any commercial property are primarily introduced for practical purposes. However, others are for a more aesthetic function. Custom staircases fall under this category, as they enhance the appearance of the building.

It’s important to remember that these custom staircases may be more expensive than the standard options. The design, fabrication, materials, and labor fees add to the costs. 

But why are many people investing in commercial concrete stairs and other seemingly luxurious options? Keep reading to discover the main reasons they’ll be ideal for your commercial property.

  • They add value to the property

Whether you’re planning to sell or rent out the building, custom staircases increase the value of your commercial property. So, if you’re looking for ways to earn more from your construction, these are some of the structures you should consider. 

Custom staircases require skilled craftsmanship to get the desired results. So, if you’re going this route, you need to choose the best commercial developer. You also need to invest in high-quality materials, which add significant value to your property.

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Of course, it may cost you a few more bucks than you spend on a standard style. The contractor’s labor fees will likely be high because of the project’s complexity. Durable, high-quality materials are also quite expensive. 

However, you can be sure that the outcome will make a strong impression on potential clients. This will help attract more tenants or buyers, giving you an excellent reason to increase the asking price accordingly. 

  • They’re versatile and functional

Are you looking to design a staircase that serves a variety of functions? A custom option is a suitable choice, as it’s versatile and allows you to meet other functionalities without affecting the original design. 

For instance, your priority might be to maximize space usage. The best way to do this is to include built-in storage underneath the steps. Another option would be to create a grand sweeping staircase as a focal point in a large entrance area.

A custom staircase allows you to get creative with your design. You can come up with a feature that meets all your secondary needs and still serves its primary purpose effectively.

  • They complement your design

Custom staircases can make your original design more appealing. It’s particularly an important feature when dealing with historic properties, where it’s crucial to maintain the integrity of the structure. 

The architect considers the characteristics of the building when designing a custom staircase. The layout and materials used are some of the factors they check to understand the original style. This helps them develop something that blends seamlessly with the existing space. 

It’s quite difficult to achieve this with standard staircases, as they often follow specific design trends. 

  • They contribute to sustainability and environmental friendliness

The commercial construction industry in the US has grown rapidly since the early 2010s. Commercial properties worth USD$91 billion were built between 2010 and 2021. This just shows the high competitiveness of the sector, with clients enjoying the luxury of many options. 

Since there are various commercial properties around, you need to make yours stand out from the rest. Custom staircases may help with that. They offer you a great opportunity to incorporate sustainability into your design, which is what most people consider today. 

Choosing energy-efficient materials can reduce the property’s environmental impact and overall energy costs. For instance, you can install LED lighting rather than standard bulbs to reduce energy usage and offer a more sustainable space.  

  • They help reduce long-term costs

As mentioned earlier, upfront costs are relatively high because of labor fees and the required materials. But the result is a durable structure that can withstand extreme conditions. 

This aspect reduces potential long-term costs that result from renovation and maintenance. If you’re selling the property, this factor can enhance your chances of pocketing more money from the sale. 


Custom staircases have become more prevalent on modern commercial properties, and rightly so. They add significant value to a building because of the high-quality materials used in their construction. 

Their high versatility allows you to design a structure serving various functions, including storage. This feature also contributes to the custom staircases’ ability to blend with an existing structure seamlessly. 

However, you must remember that the costs can be very high depending on the nature of the project. For one thing, you’ll need the services of a highly skilled craftsman, and they don’t come cheap. Not to mention the price of the high-quality materials required for the project. Nevertheless, the result will be worth all these costs.

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