What to Do When a Valuable Item Has Been Flushed

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What to Do When a Valuable Item Has Been Flushed

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Valuable items end up in the toilet either by accident or a child’s curiosity and out of habit or unknowingly, we toilet flush. When an item is dropped into the toilet, it’s easy to retrieve with the aid of a hand glove before flushing. In a case where the item has been flushed, there is a chance your valuable item is lingering within the toilet parts. The item could be at the bottom of the toilet bowl, around the toilet wax ring, within the waste opening or got stuck within the nook and cranny of a curved pipe. If you intend to find your flushed item yourself, here are some tips on how to retrieve your flushed valuables.  

Don’t Flush the Toilet  

If a valuable item is dropped into the toilet, avoid flushing the toilet until the item is retrieved. The item will settle into the bottom of the toilet and can be fished out with the use of a piece of wire or a glove.  
If you flush, the item will most likely go down the drain, because most toilets generate considerable suction power to pull valuable items (rings, necklaces) through the toilet bowl. Flushing again pushes the item further down the toilet drainpipe making it much more difficult to retrieve.  

Turn Off the Toilet’s Water Supply 

After confirming the dropped item has been flushed, it is best to turn off the water supply of the toilet to prevent flooding and accidental flushing of the toilet while trying to retrieve it. This can be done by turning the toilet valve (located behind the toilet) completely clockwise.  
Take off the lid of your toilet tank and empty the water in the tank 
The water tank (cistern) of most toilets has a lift-able lid. Lift the lid off the water closest and set them aside. Lifting the lid gives you access to the water in the closet, which can be emptied with a cup.  

Remove The Toilet from the Ground 

To remove the toilet from the ground you’ll need a wrench or a putty knife to untighten the screws connecting the toilet to the floor. Once the screws have the removed, the toilet can be lifted and set on the bathroom floor. The toilet can now be tipped to the side and the waist opening can be inspected with the use of a flashlight. Also, the toilet wax ring, which is half connected to the floor and a half to the flange, should be inspected.  
If the item has been found, you can put the toilet back together by attaching the toilet back to the floor and tightening the screw, putting the lid back on the tank and turning the water supply on. After coupling the toilet together, flush a couple of times to check for leakage. 
In a case where you couldn’t find the item, it’s best to reach out to a plumber immediately. A scope or camera would be used to inspect the drains for the lost item. Well-trained and highly recommended plumbers are available to provide emergency plumbing services.  


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