What To Do If You Are Accused of a White-Collar Crime in Oklahoma?

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What To Do If You Are Accused of a White-Collar Crime in Oklahoma?

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Being accused of a white-collar crime is serious, and you should immediately seek an experienced criminal defense lawyer in Oklahoma City. Understanding the crime you are accused of, the potential evidence against you, and the investigation and going through it with someone experienced in this area will help you to mount a thorough and robust defense.

Using a Criminal Defense Lawyer in Oklahoma City When Accused of a White-Collar Crime

How a Defense Lawyer Can Help

It cannot be overstated how important it is to obtain proper legal counsel as soon as you realize you have been accused of a white-collar crime. The sooner a defense lawyer can start looking at your case, the better they can prepare to defend you and protect your rights. These are complex cases involving large amounts of money, so they need a seasoned and experienced hand to get it right.

A defense lawyer will examine the potential evidence against you, what the prosecutor’s case looks like, and the exact charges that have been/will be filed. They will also be looking for any violations of policy, procedures, or your rights which could result in the case being thrown out. Click here to find out more about how a criminal defense lawyer could handle your case.

How White-Collar Crimes Are Investigated

A white-collar crime does not involve direct physical contact between the accused and the victim. It is a financial crime that usually results from the abuse of a position of professional trust. Examples of white-collar crimes include embezzlement, money laundering, fraud, insider trading, and bribery.

Some white-collar crimes could potentially be prosecuted at the state level, but more often than not, there will be a federal investigation, which could be handled by the FBI, IRS, or SEC. It will often include a lot of work before the individual is even aware that there is suspicion over them, such as wiretapping, surveillance, speaking to associates, and more. However, many white-collar crimes are handled internally by regulatory bodies, such as the American Bar Association or American Medical Association, before or instead of a criminal investigation.

What Is the Punishment for White-Collar Crimes?

White-collar crimes are Category B or Category C felonies, which have serious consequences if a person is successfully convicted. These include:

  • Prison sentence of 1-20 years
  • Fines up to $100,000
  • Restitution and attorney fees

There is also a professional and personal impact of being found guilty of a white-collar crime. The person will almost always lose their professional license, close relationships will suffer, as will personal reputation. Divorce is common, and even if the spouse stays, the conviction can cause damage to their own personal and professional life.

How You Can Help Yourself

The most important thing you can do when you meet with your defense lawyer is to be completely honest and upfront about everything that may have happened to lead to the accusation. The more information your lawyer has, the better they will be able to defend you and protect your interests, and the more prepared they will be.

Anyone accused of white-collar crime should seek help from an experienced criminal defense lawyer as soon as possible.


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