What steps you can take to trace the ownership of a property in the US

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What steps you can take to trace the ownership of a property in the US

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Are you trying to find out who owns a property in the US? It’s a question that many people have when they’re considering buying a property, or when they’re curious about a particular piece of real estate. Thankfully, there are steps you can take to trace the ownership of a property. In this blog post, we’ll go over the steps you need to follow if you’re wondering how to find out who owns a property in the US.

Start with the county assessor’s office

The first step is to visit your local county assessor’s office. The county assessor is responsible for keeping records of all properties within their jurisdiction, including who owns each property. They’ll have the most up-to-date information about who owns a given property, and they can provide you with the owner’s name, address, and other pertinent details.

When you visit the assessor’s office, you’ll need to provide them with some information about the property you’re interested in. This includes the address of the property, as well as any other identifying information that might be available. You may also have to pay a fee for their services. Once you’ve provided all of the necessary information, the assessor’s office should be able to provide you with the name and contact information of the current owner of the property.

Look up the property on the county recorder’s website

If you want to trace the ownership of a property in the US, you can start by looking up the property on the county recorder’s website. Most counties have a recorder’s office, and they usually maintain records related to land and properties in the county. This is the best place to look if you want to find out who owns a property.

To find the county recorder’s website, simply Google “[name of county] recorder” and look for the government website. Once you’re on the website, search for the property by its address or parcel number. You should be able to find the current owner of the property. You may also be able to find other information about the property, such as the purchase price, recent transfers, taxes paid, and more.

Try a title search

This type of search allows you to uncover the legal history of a piece of real estate. It will also tell you who has owned the property and any liens or other encumbrances that are on it.

To conduct a title search, you’ll need to go deed search by address. They have access to public records that can help you track down information about who owns the property. The records include mortgages, liens, judgments, and deeds.


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