What is Best Age to Start Buying Lots & Land for Sale

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What is Best Age to Start Buying Lots & Land for Sale

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When considering whether you should buy a plot of land, it’s smart to evaluate where you are at in life. A land purchase is one of the most significant investments you’ll ever make, and your status as a landowner can either help you or hurt you financially.   

You’ll need to consider several factors before deciding to buy a plot of land. Age is one of the most influential factors and can significantly affect your purchase decision. So, what is the best age to buy lots and land for sale? Dive in for more information.

Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

The Ideal Age for Buying Land

Most states require that you’re at least 18 years old to complete legal contracts. Technically, it’s possible to purchase land before reaching the age of majority with the help of a co-signer.

Generally, people who purchase lots and land for sale between 24 and 35 years of age have greater chances of maximizing their investment. Land value appreciates with time, so acquiring a property at a young age means you can benefit later in life. For instance, in 10 years the land’s value will have grown 10-fold or more. Moreover, as you enter your retirement years, the investment in your land will become very important to your financial health, especially if you need to refinance to cover gaps in your savings. 

Buying land at a young age also has major tax advantages that can significantly reduce your tax bill every year. Owning a piece of land can give you a sense of security, help you develop better financial management skills, and secure profits for years to come. 

Of course, you can’t just jump into investing in a property. Here are some factors you should consider determining if you’re at the right age for buying land. “The best time to plant a tree is yesterday. The second best time to plant is today. The same can be said for real estate and buying land. If you are serious about financial freedom real estate is a fantastic vehicle to get there. I started buying and selling land and houses when I was 30. In hindsight I wish I started earlier and can see that I could have bought land or houses when I was 20. If the deal is good you can always find the cash to buy it and the faster you can close the better deals you will get.”, said Shaun Martin who is a Colorado cash buyer and specializes in buying houses incredibly fast, and you can get a cash offer at https://webuyhousesindenver.org/ if you need to sell your house fast. 

Debt and Credit Score

You can start thinking about buying land once you’re free of student loan, credit card, or any debt. As you pay off your debts, your credit score will go up. Once you prove you’re a dependable borrower and have a credit score of at least 670, you’ll qualify for most mortgages. 


So, before starting the process of buying land, you need to ensure you have a decent amount of savings. Most lenders require a larger down payment than regular mortgages. You may have to pay as much as 20-30% of the asking price. However, if you’re looking to purchase raw land, the down payment requirement can be up to 50%. Lenders will also look at the amount of liquid assets you’ll have left after making a down payment and paying the closing costs. This helps reassure them you’ll be able to make your mortgage payments. 


Having a stable and reliable income is one of the essential factors to consider before starting to scan listings for sale. Career stability means you can predict how much money you’ll have coming in each month. This data will help you get a more accurate idea of how many acres of property you can afford. As a rule of thumb, you should be able to comfortably afford the monthly payments and other recurring costs of land ownership. 

If you’ve just started your job or plan on making a career switch soon, you might not be ready to buy a piece of land. It may be better to wait until you’re more stable and comfortable in your career before committing to a mortgage loan. 

Your Lifestyle

Buying land is a significant investment, and a mortgage can last up to 30 years. To ensure your investment is worthwhile, consider your lifestyle and how the land you buy will fit in it. For example, if you plan on settling down and starting a family, buying a plot of land may be a great idea to create your dream house project. Or, if you’re looking to make a living from hunting, you may want to purchase the hunting land you’ve been eyeing. 

Conversely, if your income is unsteady and you want to change cities and careers in the next couple of years, buying land may not be the best idea. Knowing where you are at in life can help you make a more informed buying decision. 

Photo by Sebastian Herrmann on Unsplash

Final Thoughts

There isn’t a right and wrong age to invest in real estate. You should judge whether you’re ready to start the land buying process only by your finances and lifestyle. If you have a stable career, have enough savings, and understand all of the costs of owning land, you might be ready to invest. Buying a beautiful property can potentially benefit you at any age if the conditions and timing are right.


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