Welcome employees to new workspace post pandemic

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Welcome employees to new workspace post pandemic

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Statistics show that 68% of global employees are comfortable working from home. Surveys also revealed that most employees are reluctant to go back into their office. The statistics are concerning for CEOs, who are single-handedly trying to pull their teams together and going to extreme lengths to keep the attrition rate down.
After getting a taste of working remotely, employees’ priorities have changed. They are not chasing a big pay cheque anymore. Rather, employees are looking for opportunities that give them freedom, a sense of security, and appreciation where it is due.
Now that covid restrictions have eased, people are being asked back into the office, which has been met with reluctance. Why not give your office space a little makeover so that your employees feel motivated to come into work and stay productive throughout the day?
Here are 5 ways to do that

  1. Rethink workstations

A work cubicle is a great way to avoid distractions and allow your employees to stay productive; however, that isolation often turns into seclusion and your employees may start to feel disconnected from their team. This is where an open design comes into play.
Strip down those cubicle walls and let the creativity flow without obstructions. Moreover, an open design space feels breezy and reduces anxiety.
Make sure you have quiet rooms available for your employees so that they have a space free of distractions and an environment to brainstorm ideas.

  1. Let the natural light in

Does your office space feel dingy and narrow in some areas? How about cutting out a window or skylight to let the natural light in. Sit down with your architect or renovation contractor to discuss suitable options to refurbish areas that lack natural light. The more natural light you have, the less reliance on artificial lighting during business hours.
You may also want to reconsider your options among energy providers in your area. The easiest way to do that is to compare electricity prices online and choose the cheapest one. You will be delighted to see how much money you can save annually by switching to a cheaper energy provider.

  1. Get modern office furniture

Furniture inspires creativity and sets the tone for the day. Your furniture really depends on the nature of the business that you run. If you own an accountancy firm, your furniture should be highly ergonomic and sleek, allowing your employees to sit comfortably through the day.
If your business requires your employees to think outside the box, a regular desk and chair will not be suitable. Consider using bean bags, stools with high-rise tables, cushions for extra comfort and a free carpet area. These elements spark creativity and help eliminate boredom.

  1. Introduce colors

The colors used in your office space reflect the vibe and culture of your business. Is your office space sending the wrong vibes? If so, spruce up your office space with a fresh coat of paint. If you are concerned about the downtime, you can consider wallpapers and artworks that inspire creativity. While you are at it, consider getting rid of the suspended ceiling to expose the plumbing lines and ducts in good taste.

  1. Create leisure spaces

Modern offices recognize the significance of leisure spaces to prevent burnout. Your hardworking employees need to blow off some steam so they can return to their workstations with fresh energy. You do not have to turn the room into a fully-fledged gaming zone, but a snooker table, ping-pong table, chessboard, or foosball table would suffice.
Here is a bonus tip for you. Incorporate nature into your office space with plants that are low maintenance and require little to no watering. A few options you can consider are pothos, snake plants, or palms. Desk plants like sansevieria, walking iris, or a peace lily are also good options.


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