Wege Prize 2023 Applications for University Teams

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Wege Prize 2023 Applications for University Teams

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Now in its 10th year, Wege Prize challenges student teams to create innovative, circular economy solutions to today’s thorniest challenges: hunger, pollution, climate change, wasted resources, joblessness and more.

Open to student teams globally, Wege Prize has led to real, actionable innovations created through design thinking. The winning teams split a purse of $65,000 and receive valuable attention for their ideas — plus help in developing their concepts from a slate of renowned judges.

Last year’s winners included students from Africa who won for a new organic fertilizer/pesticide, a team from Canada with a concept to extract rare-earth elements from electronics waste, and a coalition from China, Africa and the United States with a self-perpetuating model for fish farming.

If you know students or university faculty or programs with likely candidates, you may recommend them to Wege Prize at this link. And please share the news: Wege Prize wants YOU!

The application information is at www.wegeprize.org/apply and students can start to apply today.

Here’s to a more circular and sustainable future.


Read more BELOW


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