Viking’s New 70V/25V Paging Horns: The 25AE-70V

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Viking’s New 70V/25V Paging Horns: The 25AE-70V

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Economical and effective – the 25AE-70V paging horn for 70-Volt and 25-Volt paging systems distributes sound evenly, accurately, and affordably.
“The 25AE-70V efficiently produces high quality audio and is a great addition to Viking’s paging collection.” – Paul Speltz, Senior Engineer, Viking Electronics
Viking’s new 25AE-70V paging horn is designed to broadcast paging audio from a 70-Volt or 25-Volt paging amplifier. Five selectable power taps enable each horn’s volume to be set to an appropriate level for its location. Each paging horn will handle up to 10 Watts of power.
The 25AE-70V paging horn surface-mounts to any rigid surface and operates both indoors and outdoors. The 25AE-70V features a 5-inch diameter audio efficient horn that is also compact enough to be mounted discretely.
For more information on the 25AE-70V, visit:
Viking Electronics engineers and manufactures over 500 security and communication products in the USA. Products include Emergency Phones, Entry Systems, Paging Interfaces, Mass Notification Systems, Hotline Phones, Autodialers, Enclosures and more. In Addition to their extensive analog line, Viking offers a large selection of IP products that are SIP compliant. Based in Hudson, Wisconsin, Viking’s legacy of reliability and electronic innovation spans 50+ years. Viking builds products that are designed to last and they also offer many of their products with Enhanced Weather Protection. Offering free lifetime product support they also back their products with a two-year limited warranty. For more information, please visit:


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