UW College of Engineering Metal Roofing Course

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UW College of Engineering Metal Roofing Course

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Photo Courtesy: S-5!

Metal roofing expert, Rob Haddock, presents Metal Roofing Systems at the University of Wisconsin Madison’s School of Engineering on Dec. 1-2, 2022. This year the university is pleased to offer an early bird discount of $150.

If you design, install, commission, maintain or repair metal roofing systems, this course will provide you with the tools and techniques to do your job correctly and avoid problems. Upon completing this course, you will be able to identify the best solutions to your metal roofing issues, whether you’re working on new construction, performing maintenance or re-roofing.

This 2-day course, taught by Haddock, director of consulting firm, Metal Roof Advisory Group and CEO and founder of S-5!, includes technical and practical “soup-to-nuts” information presented in a common-sense fashion that makes the art and science of metal roofing clear, concise and understandable. For a full course description, visit the University of Wisconsin’s engineering program summary here.

Who Should Attend

Contractors, architects, specifiers, roof consultants, engineers, building owners, manufacturers, building envelope commissioning authorities and maintenance staff will benefit from this course—basically anyone involved in metal roofing design, construction, maintenance, repair and re-roofing. And it is the best “crash course” available for sales personnel in-industry. 

About the Instructor

Course instructor, Rob Haddock is a well-known expert in the field and has worked in various aspects of metal roofing for five decades―beginning as a laborer, then contractor, forensic consultant, technical author, educator, innovator, CEO and founder of S-5!, the leading authority on metal roof attachment solutions.

His innovations have resulted in 60+ patents, and his hundreds of writings and lectures have been translated into at least 10 languages. He has won numerous industry awards from MCA, CSI, ASTM, MBMA. For 35+ years, Rob has been a featured speaker at industry tradeshows, METALCON and IRE. His practical experience, colorful background and world travel add flavor to his technical expertise resulting in a “must-attend” course that is as poignant as it is entertaining for every educational or experience level in metal roofing trades and practices.

“Rob leads you down the path to understanding with such humor and simple clarity, you not only go away understanding, but remembering,” says former course participant, Darrell T. Blair.

Metal Roofing Systems takes place at the Fluono Center, located on the UW-Madison campus, with an online option also available. Register here and receive the early bird discount by entering code S-5DIS in the promo code box during step three of the registration process.

Check out the YouTube video on the course here: https://youtu.be/mftvQIDXzXw


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