Use Concrete Pigments to Lively Up Your Space

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Use Concrete Pigments to Lively Up Your Space

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Concrete pigment is an iron oxide pigment that comes in the form of liquid or powder. It is used for integral concrete coloring and is one of the most low-cost and highly durable solutions to renovation ideas. Concrete pigments are a popular and sustainable way to improve your living space to give your home a glamorous aesthetic and increase its value. If you’re interested in this easy and efficient way to upgrade your space, here’s how you can use concrete pigments to liven up your home.

Choose Your Color

Before getting started, you must take the time to ensure you pick a color scheme that will suit the rest of the space. You will need to choose the right oxides for the best outcome. Therefore, do not settle for a low-quality oxide and do your research to find quality pigments. If you’re opting for an enhanced interior, make sure that the color will suit various interior color schemes should you decide to switch up your home’s decor one day. Keep in mind that different colors will require different needs. If you are opting for bright oxides and pastel colors, you will want to mix them with white cement for an excellent finish. Gray cement will leave you with a dull color, no matter how bright the oxide. If you are opting for darker colors such as black, dark red, or brown, then gray cement will suffice.

Check Surface is Ready for Application

You can dye or stain various surfaces to spruce up your home’s interior. But you must make sure the surface you choose is ready for application. If you are choosing to liven up your flooring with stained concrete floors, you must know the best renovation methods to ensure a successful process. If you are planning to add color to your home’s exterior, the process will look a little different. You want to make sure your surface is clean and suitable for this glossy finish.
When it comes to the interior of your house, you can definitely put your DIY skills to the test and accomplish this look on your home. However, no matter where you live, you can hire reputable companies to handle it all for you. If you live in Texas, then you’re in luck, as there are so many affordable services that provide you with suitable indoor or outdoor solutions. Installation is fast and easy, and this method of home renovations is environmentally friendly.

Measure Before Mixing

The right measurements of your ingredients are crucial as you will want to ensure you have enough of a mixture for the surface you plan on covering. Whether you are upgrading your patio floor, kitchen floor, or garage. You will need various quantities of water, sand, cement, aggregate, and oxide depending on the area. Always read manufacturer instructions before attempting to mix your products. Furthermore, you want accurate measurements to ensure you’re not pouring in too much oxide and too little cement. To achieve the right concentration, you may want to do a little test to ensure you will get the color of your choice.
Note that there are various mixers to choose from such as pan mixers, drum mixers, and continuous mixers. Each one is suitable for different types of projects. For instance, if you are revamping your entire garage, you may want to choose continuous mixers that involve a conveyor belt to provide materials to your mixture. Drum mixers are suitable if you are dealing with thick concrete or large aggregate, whereas pan mixers are best to provide small batches of concrete. Keep in mind that you always want to start mixing dry ingredients first.

Use a Wooden Mold to Form the Shape

To create the final shape of your mixture, you will need a wooden mold to form it. Make sure that the wood that’s nailed together is the appropriate size and shape as it will need to be the same as the concrete build. Therefore, you will need to know the form you need for your project. After pouring the mixture, use a rake to make sure the surface is level and evenly spread out to assume the right form. Make sure you cover the concrete once it has formed its shape to protect it from damage. Avoid touching or knocking the concrete and leave it alone for as long as necessary. Depending on the size, weather conditions, and the environment the mixture is kept in, it can take a while to dry.

As you can see, concrete pigments are not only an effective and easy way to improve your home’s appearance, but they’re easily applicable as well. You can always hire professionals to handle this for you; however, if you are up for it and trust your skills, give it a go! Refer back to this guide to avoid making any mistakes and always do a test trial first.


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