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US Radar GPS 112715
US Radar Inc., a leading manufacturer of subsurface imaging systems, has enhanced its ground-penetrating radar (GPR) systems with a major upgrade of its global-positioning system (GPS) software module and the integration of Garmin GPS technology into US Radar’s most popular ground-penetrating radar systems.
The company’s GPS software now incorporates a split-screen view that can simultaneously display real-time radar-mapped imagery of the jobsite alongside the user’s choice of maps from public sources such as Google Earth or OpenStreetMap, or from proprietary mapping sources, including site plans or as-built plans. US Radar’s split-screen capability provides an enhanced, real-time context for plotting and analyzing subsurface data.
Operators can also combine radar and map data and export it into AutoCAD or ArcGIS software—while they’re on the jobsite.
“The combination of these powerful new features in our GPS software module with the integration of Garmin GPS technology into our subsurface imaging systems provides important added value to our customers, whether they are mappers, surveyors or locating contractors,” said Matt Keys, US Radar system engineer. “Field generation of radar-data maps in real time significantly increases the productivity and time-saving benefits of our GPR units.”
Keys said US Radar chose to integrate Garmin GPS technology with its systems because of Garmin’s superior performance in dense urban environments and areas with significant tree cover. On US Radar’s popular Quantum Imager and recently introduced Q5C models the Garmin GPS antenna is integrated within the US Radar antenna.
Complements recent upgrade of US Radar core software
In addition to its enhanced GPS software, US Radar also recently introduced Version 5.0 of its Seeker acquisition software, automating several key capabilities to help assure even greater accuracy when using US Radar systems. US Radar’s Seeker acquisition software is included with each of the company’s GPR units.
US Radar announced a major upgrade of its global-positioning system (GPS) software module and the integration of Garmin GPS technology. The company’s GPS software now incorporates a split-screen view that can simultaneously display real-time radar-mapped imagery of the jobsite alongside the user’s choice of maps from public sources such as Google Earth or OpenStreetMap, or from proprietary mapping sources, including site plans or as-built plans. US Radar’s split-screen capability provides an enhanced, real-time context for plotting and analyzing subsurface data.
About US Radar
US Radar is a leading manufacturer and distributor of surface-penetrating radar, also known as ground-penetrating radar, systems. Current models include the Quantum Imager™ – the world’s first triple-frequency GPR device – and the Q5C model that delivers US Radar’s SmartGain™ digital clarity at a list price just over half that of most competitive units.
The company’s technology was first developed in the 1980s to locate plastic landmines. US Radar was formed in 1994 to adapt the military-grade GPR technology for commercial applications. Today, US Radar products are used in utility and structural applications, environmental and geophysical applications, archeological and humanitarian applications, and law enforcement. Based in Matawan, N.J., US Radar does its own software, hardware and equipment engineering and manufacturing. The company also is known for its field responsiveness.
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