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The US LBM Foundation, a nonprofit organization founded by leading specialty building materials distributor US LBM, has committed $100,000 to Meals on Wheels America. The dollars donated will support national efforts to meet homebound seniors’ needs, support local Meals on Wheels programs and respond to the growing need amidst the COVID-19 crisis and beyond.
“The US LBM foundation is pleased to continue its partnership with Meals on Wheels America for the second year in a row, supporting the tremendous work they do to assist seniors, who are at the greatest risk from the pandemic,” said US LBM Foundation Chairman and US LBM President and CEO L.T. Gibson. “The ongoing effects of the pandemic have reinforced how critical the efforts of organizations like Meals on Wheels are, and we’re grateful to the generosity of many who helped us reach our $100,000 matching donation commitment.”
Since the COVID-19 pandemic started, Meals on Wheels programs have been experiencing increased demand, rising costs and limited funding. In 2021, nearly half of Meals on Wheels’ programs said they would not be able to support their current client base without infusions of new funding. Meals on Wheels programs require sustained and expanded funding to continue providing existing services to meet the unmet need and to address senior hunger and isolation in their communities. The funds donated will allow Meals on Wheels America to continue leading this movement of community-based organizations, empowering local Meals on Wheels programs to improve the health and quality of life of the seniors they serve so that no one is left hungry or isolated.
“Nearly two years into the pandemic, and Meals on Wheels programs are still in crisis response mode,” said Meals on Wheels America Chief Development Officer Kristine Templin. “As the need has grown, we continue to rely on generous partners like the US LBM Foundation to ensure we can be there for the seniors who need us most.”
The US LBM Foundation is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the quality of life in communities across the United States. The Foundation was established in 2013 by US LBM, a leader in the building materials industry, to help fulfill the company’s mission of giving back in the communities where it operates. The US LBM Foundation supports causes and organizations through financial and in-kind donations that address critical community challenges, including economic development, housing, health care and human services. For more information, visit
Meals on Wheels America is the leadership organization supporting the more than 5,000 community-based programs across the country that are dedicated to addressing senior isolation and hunger. This network serves virtually every community in America and, along with more than two million staff and volunteers, delivers the nutritious meals, friendly visits and safety checks that enable America’s seniors to live nourished lives with independence and dignity. By providing funding, leadership, education, research and advocacy support, Meals on Wheels America empowers its local member programs to strengthen their communities, one senior at a time.


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