A Motorcyclist Must Know When They Are Most Vulnerable for Their Protection!
Riding a motorcycle in California is more about enjoying freedom. In San Diego, it’s also a favorite pastime because of the beautiful locales. Whether you ride this vehicle for fun or commuting, knowing the accident risks involved in this transportation mode is necessary. Motorcycles already have visibility issues due to their smaller profiles. Between 2021 and 2023, the county witnessed 128 fatal motorcycle collisions for different reasons.
Additionally, 933 cases of severe injuries were reported due to motorcycle crashes, and more than 2000 cases suffered other types of injuries. The traffic authority says motorcyclists are at greater risk than passenger vehicles. Hence, they must be more conscious about road safety measures and situations.
If something happens to you or your loved one despite all the possible protection, you must seek medical attention and legal support. Motorcycle accident lawyers San Diego can guide you about your rights in those scenarios and get fair compensation for your injuries. However, you must always follow safe driving rules, including comprehending scenarios that expose motorcyclists to injury and fatality risks.
- Left turns
You drive straight at an intersection while a car driver hits you when turning left, which is a common occurrence in the city. You can also be vulnerable if you attempt to overtake the other vehicle trying to take a left turn. Heavy traffic in intersections can affect your motorcycle’s visibility. Hence, it’s better to calculate the other vehicle driver’s move and establish eye contact with him. If the driver is ready to turn, you can slow your speed or move aside to prevent collision.
- Lane changing
Suppose you ride your motorcycle close to a passenger car attempting to enter your lane. Two possibilities can occur – the other driver doesn’t notice you, or you are in the blind spot. To protect yourself, follow all the signals indicating the driver is about to switch lanes. Also, you must be visible in the other vehicle’s mirror so the driver sees you. If you think you are in the blind spot, clear the way by slowing down or speeding up.
- Head-on crashes
This kind of collision with a car can only mean catastrophic injuries. These usually happen suddenly due to the high speeds of the vehicles. A motorcyclist is most at risk. Hence, for prevention, you must be alert about the road conditions. Ride on the right side of the lane to avoid head-on collisions and sudden lane switches. If another vehicle is taking a turn, you can slow down. You can also go onto the road shoulders.
- Corner turns
The elegant winding city roads offer excellent riding opportunities to motorcyclists. But taking a corner turn can be risky without proper measures. For example, you must maintain a legitimate speed to have an adequate reaction time when faced with a tight corner or other unpredictable circumstances.
- Lane splitting
It can contribute to many motorcycle accidents for several reasons, such as proximity to the other vehicle, tight space for maneuverability, and lack of anticipation on the part of the other car driver regarding your riding intentions.
Remember, you can recover a reasonable sum if the other party is fully liable for your accident. However, it will be reduced when you are partially involved in the accident. Your lawyer can be the best person to get an idea about this.