Types of Electric Duct Heaters

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Types of Electric Duct Heaters

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Duct heaters improve comfort and system efficiency by maintaining or speeding up the flow of warm air via ducts throughout a structure, particularly in locations farthest from the main HVAC unit. Traditionally, duct heaters have been employed in forced air systems to offer stand-alone space heating or to enhance existing heating systems. 
There are many trusted brands such as markel electric duct heaters that are used to provide stand-alone space heat or to enhance existing heating systems in forced air applications. In this article, we will give you knowledge about different types of electric duct heaters so continue reading this article. 

  1. Terminal Air Heater 

These duct heaters are also known as circular or drawer duct heaters. They’re the most popular, and they’re employed in a wide range of heating applications. They are constructed in such a way that they may be easily installed directly into the pipe’s opening. On request, however, bent designs are also available. This specific type’s diameter runs from 100 to 630 mm, with power ranging from 500 watts to 36 kilowatts.  

  1. Open Coil Duct Heaters

Open coil types are the most cost-effective alternative for most simple space heating comfort since they have lower kW and are smaller in size. The most significant difference is that the open coil element directs its heat into the airstream, allowing the duct to heat up faster. 

  1. Finned Tubular Duct Heaters

Finned tubular types are commonly utilized for applications requiring a high kW output because the finned tubular parts assist to reduce watt density, allowing for more uniform airflow streams. Finned tubular components in duct heaters are primarily designed for usage outdoors or in tougher conditions. Stainless steel fins are frequently utilized in commercial and industrial applications because they can endure the harsh environment of outdoor use. 
These devices can be found in a variety of places, including office buildings, schools, manufacturing plants, and power plants. Installing and replacing duct heaters is relatively simple. With a typical spigot connection to spiral ducting, mounting can be done with airflow in either direction. The safety cutouts on electric in-line duct heaters should always be put at the top of the device. 
When replacing a duct heater, pay close attention to the details. Because these devices are built to specific dimensions, wattages, and currents, it’s critical to have the same model, or at the very least one with the same specs. 
What is the purpose of a duct heater? 
Duct heaters are excellent gadgets to maintain different temperatures in different areas or rooms. They are simple to set up and maintain. Because of this, as well as their energy efficiency, these gadgets have a wide range of applications. If you have a heating element, you should inspect it regularly. You can use them for a variety of applications such as: – 

  • Primary heating 
  • Secondary heating
  • Space heating
  • Reheating
  • Multi-zone and VAV heating 

Wrapping up! 
Electric duct heaters are an economical heating source that can be easily integrated into existing HVAC systems or any new installation. Moreover, these are available in an infinite variety of configurations making them an excellent choice for both industrial as well as residential application. 


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