Turner Construction Announces New Executive VPs

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Turner Construction Announces New Executive VPs

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Turner Construction Company is pleased to announce that Christa Andresky and Rosemarie Demonte have been promoted to Executive Vice President.
As Turner’s Chief Financial Officer, Christa Andresky is building upon the finance teams’ strengths and keeping them consistent with Turner’s focus and commitment towards people and customer service. In addition, Christa is responsible for maintaining Turner’s strong balance sheet and providing strategic evaluations of growth opportunities and creating value for stakeholders. Christa joined Turner in 2013 as a Vice President and Controller. She became a Senior Vice President in 2017, and became the Chief Financial Officer in 2021.
Turner’s Chief Human Resources Officer Rosemarie Demonte provides overall leadership of Turner’s Human Resources group including Knowledge and Learning, Talent Management, Recruiting and Internal Mobility, Employee Relations, and Compensation and Benefits. Rosemarie joined the company in 2002 as a Director of Recruiting. In 2008, she was promoted to Vice President of Recruiting, and became a Senior Human Resources Director the following year. In 2020, Rosemarie became Senior Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer.
About Turner Construction Company
Turner is an international construction services company. Founded in 1902, Turner first made its mark on the industry pioneering the use of steel-reinforced concrete for general building, which enabled the company to deliver safer, stronger, and more efficient buildings to clients. The company continues to embrace emerging technologies and offers an increasingly diverse set of services. With an annual construction volume of US $15 billion, Turner is the largest builder in the United States, ranking first in the major market segments of the building construction field, including healthcare, education, sports, commercial, and green building. The firm is a subsidiary of HOCHTIEF, one of the world’s leading international construction service providers. For more information, please visit https://www.turnerconstruction.com.


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