T&S Offers Compression Thermostatic Mixing Valve

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T&S Offers Compression Thermostatic Mixing Valve

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Photo Courtesy: T&S Brass & Bronz Works

T&S Brass and Bronze Works, a leading manufacturer of commercial plumbing fixtures, has announced the addition of a compression thermostatic mixing valve to its parts and accessories options.

The new 3/8” compression thermostatic mixing valve ensures water is delivered at the ideal temperature and helps prevent scalding accidents. The valve features solid, low-lead brass construction and integral check valves to prevent backflow and crossflow.

“Our new compression TMV helps ensure user satisfaction on our faucets — manual or sensor — and is perfect for commercial restrooms to ensure every user encounters the right temperature sweet spot between warmth and scalding,” said Liz Hofius, product manager at T&S Brass. “Installing the TMV is one more way we, and installers, can go above and beyond.”

Built with a vandal-resistant locking temperature adjustment knob, the compression thermostatic mixing valve can be ordered with or without a cold-water bypass tee. The tee can also be purchased separately. It meets all U.S. and Canada certification requirements.

See specs and more information about the new compression thermostatic mixing valve from T&S on our website.

About T&S BrassT&S Brass and Bronze Works, Inc. has been a leader in providing innovative equipment solutions to the foodservice and plumbing industries for 75 years — since 1947 — when it developed the first pre-rinse unit. Today, with facilities on the east and west coasts of the U.S., in Shanghai, China and in Europe, T&S leads the way in environmental initiatives from eco-friendly manufacturing processes to development of award-winning water- and energy-conserving products. T&S is among the first commercial plumbing manufacturers to be registered by UL to ISO 9001 Certification, the most stringent a corporation can receive. For more information, go to www.tsbrass.com.


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