TraceAir Celebrates 5-Year Anniversary

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TraceAir Celebrates 5-Year Anniversary

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TraceAir, a construction site automation platform powered by drone data, celebrates its 5-year anniversary with more than 250 successful job sites being deployed on across the US and Europe. Reaching this milestone, TraceAir has become an essential platform for grading contractors and home builders, helping them control quality and costs with a growing number of efficient automation solutions.
TraceAir’s “5 in 5” key achievements include:

  1. Launching a fully functional SaaS platform powered by drone data and machine learning.
  2. Helping clients on nearly 250 job sites to date.
  3. Raising investments from professional VC funds and industry representatives that helps the company to grow and target the most painful industry problems.
  4. Joining the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB), a U.S. organization with more than 220,000 members in the home-building industry.
  5. Continuously releasing products and features increasing the speed and quality of site work construction such as Haul Router and Pioneering tool developed together with Independent Construction.

We are celebrating our first big anniversary with great momentum, bringing automation into the construction industry to help companies control quality and costs. TraceAir construction management software improves with every new client and every project. We are extremely grateful to our partners, investors, and clients, who support us on every step of our joint way to seamless and predictable site work of the future,” says Dmitry Korolev, CEO at TraceAir.
Here are just a few highlights of the products released in 2019:

  • New workflows: automatically detected items, remedial as-builts with drone patches, Haul Router and Pioneering tool, site balance prediction and total volumes moved calculator.
  • Collaborative tools: Draw&Share tool, Public and Private options for markups, Markup sharing via a link, folder-based Markups storage.
  • General UX/UI improvements: Office app redesign, mobile UI adjustments, user management, and fast “what if” calculator for quantity takeoffs.
  • Drones operations and data handling: automatic TIN-file export, instant publishing for the pre-processed drone data, NAD83-to-WGS84 and assumed-to-WGS84 coordinate converter.

About TraceAir
TraceAir is a construction management software powered by drone data and AI to help clients complete projects on time and within budget. Unlike other software in the industry, TraceAir puts data analytics in the hands of field managers. The company empowers the largest land developers, home builders, geoengineers, and grading contractors in the U.S., including FivePoint, Independent Construction Co., ENGEO, and others, with efficient construction automation software.
For more information, please visit: WebsiteBlog, and Customer testimonials


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