Top Construction Site Management Methods

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Top Construction Site Management Methods

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If you’re in the construction industry, safety is the most important job you have. Reducing work-related injuries and accidents will also protect your bottom line. 
The construction industry represents over 20% of the private sector annual worker fatalities. It’s important to ensure your construction site doesn’t become one of the statistics. 
Read this guide for the top construction site management methods. 

Create A Safety Plan 

Your safety plan must be specific to your site. It sets out safety practices for the construction site management team to follow. This is the most important point in this post 
The plan identifies safety and health risks to expect. Consider each item and create a plan to protect workers and the public.  

Identify Site Entry Points 

Protect vehicles entering or leaving the job site. They must travel on a well-marked road. This provides the delivery vehicle a measure of safety. 
It also keeps personnel aware of areas where they may encounter moving vehicles. 

Maintain a Clean Worksite 

Daily site clean-up prevents accidents. It also improves efficiency and public relations. Store materials in a safe manner and dispose of garbage and debris. 
Scrap lumber, nails, and other construction debris are a safety hazard. Combustibles may injure a worker or visitor to your site.  

Safety and Personal Protective Equipment 

Everyone must wear well-fitting personal protective equipment (PPE) at all times. That includes personnel and visitors. 
The basic protective equipment requirements may include: 

  • Foot protection 
  • Head protection 
  • Hearing protection 
  • Eye and face protection 
  • Fall protection 

Workers performing specific tasks such as welding will need other equipment. 

Meet First Aid Requirements 

Ensure you meet the first aid requirements for your industry. The onsite first aid staff must be aware of the hazards and safety risks for the job site. 
They are an essential part of your construction management team. 
First-aid supplies must be available in the event of an injury. Post safety and emergency contacts in a visible place. 

Train Workers in Site Safety Practices 

When you have a team trained in worksite safety, there will be fewer injuries. The US Department of Labor requires personnel to understand the proper use of PPE.  
There are specific standards for the construction industry. They include standards for the use of various tools. Ensure workers are aware of site safety hazards. 

Construction Site Management Safety Audits 

A regular audit of your operations is essential. Review your safety plan and update it if necessary. Identify hazardous materials and store them in a safe manner. 
Check to see that staff use personal protective equipment at all times. 
Security personnel can be an asset to your goal of safety in construction. Task them with keeping an eye out for safety hazards as they occur on site. 

Knowledge Is Power 

Understanding the requirements to manage a safe construction site takes preparation. A good source of practical construction site management information is important. You’ll improve safety on your site. 
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